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PAGE PAGE II PAGE PAGE I 摘要 该项设计对FST200si-II型注塑机合模装置的结构进行设计,合模装置结构主要采用双曲肘撑板式结构,模板、肘杆机构材料均为QT500-7A,拉杆为40CrMoA。首先,根据注塑机工作原理及运动方式,确立合模装置运动形式,根据需求及条件选定合模装置结构。然后进行设计,其过程及内容主要为: 1)根据客户需求及条件进行方案确定; 2)根据合模装置的工作原理进行相应材料、结构选则; 3)主要零部件设计,本文主要介绍了前固定板、拉杆的设计分析过程,其他部件类似可得; 4)利用三维软件进行零部件三维模型建立; 5)对合模装置进行运动分析及结构受力分析; 6)最后确立方案,并用CAD等软件进行零件、装配体二维制图。 该项设计主要是对注塑机的合模装置进行设计计算及工艺分析,讲述了FST200si-II合模装置的设计制造过程,优化和标准了其设计。 关键字:注塑机,合模装置,双曲肘杆式,结构设计 Abstract The design of FST200si-II type injection molding machine combined mold device structure design, mold closing device structure mainly adopts double toggle supporting plate structure, template, toggle mechanism materials are QT500-7A bar for 40CrMoA. Firstly, according to the working principle and motion process of the injection molding machine, the motion form of the clamping device is established, and the structure of the die is selected according to the requirements and conditions.. Then design, the process and the main content of : 1) According to customer's needs and conditions for the program to determine; 2) According to the working principle of the mold device, the material and structure are selected; 3) The main parts design, this paper mainly introduces the former fixed plate, tie rod design analysis process, other parts similar to; 4) Using 3D software to build 3D model of parts; 5) Motion analysis and structure analysis of the clamping device; 6) The final establishment of the program, and CAD and other software parts, assembly body two-dimensional graphics. This design mainly carries on the design computation and the process analysis to the injection molding machine mold, the FST200si-II mold equipment design manufacture process, the optimization and the standard design. Keywords: injection molding machine, clamping device, double toggle, structure design PAGE PAGE 1 PAGE PAGE 0 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2注塑机的发展现状与趋势 2 1.2.1国外注塑机发展现状与趋势 2 1.2.2国内注塑机


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