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糖尿病周围神经病的诊断 1.糖尿病病史 2.周围神经病的症状和体征 3.简单临床检查 4.神经电生理检测结果 5.皮肤神经活检 Sensory Foot Examination 10g Monofilament & Tuning Fork (128Hz) 应用10g单丝和128Hz音叉的足部检查 前言 Preface Patients with diabetes should be screened annually for DPN using tests such as pinprick sensation, temperature and vibration perception (using a 128-Hz tuning fork), and 10-g monofilament pressure sensation at the distal plantar aspect of both great toes and ankle reflexes. 糖尿病患者每年必须进行远端对称性多神经病变的筛查,常用的检查方法有:针刺痛觉、温度觉、音叉振动觉(使用128Hz音叉)、双侧大拇趾跖侧的10-g单丝压力觉以及踝反射。 A minimum of one clinical test should be carried out annually, and the use of two tests will increase diagnostic ability. 每年必须至少使用一项临床检查来检测神经病变,二项临床检查可以提高诊断率。 前言 Preface Screening for DPN is typically performed during a patient’s routine examinations. The Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Canadian Diabetes Association recommend annual Screening for neuropathy using the 10-g Semmes-Weinstein monofilament or 128Hz tuning fork. 糖尿病神经病变的筛查是患者常规体检中具代表性的一项,加拿大糖尿病协会临床实践指南推荐使用10-g单丝和128Hz音叉检查来进行每年的糖尿病神经病变的筛查。 前言 Preface Annual screening for diabetic neuropathy should be conducted using superficial pain sensation testing, SWME, or vibration testing by the on-off method. The reported operating characteristics for each sensory modality can be applied to positive findings on the physical examination of individual patients to predict the likelihood of neuropathy. 糖尿病神经病变每年的筛查应该使用皮肤痛觉测试、10g单丝压力觉(SWME)、或音叉振动觉测试等方法进行,据报道这些检查在对患者进行体格检查时所提示的阳性率相近似。 SWME (Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Examination ) 10g单纤维丝检查 SWME (Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Examination ) 10g单纤维丝检查 检查前的注意事项 房间温度控制在30℃左右,安静且放松 检查开始前患者在房间内无寒冷的感觉 检查时请避开胼胝或溃疡处 请尽量使患者说出其最真实的感觉 SWME (Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Examination ) 10g单纤维丝检查 SWME (Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament Examination ) 10g单纤维丝检查 首先将单丝放在被检者手部(或肘部、或前额)以致于让他感觉到什么是正式检查时他应该感觉到的 检查部位如下图: 检查时单丝须和皮肤表面垂直放置 如下图:均匀用力使纤维变弯曲即可(此时单丝刚好对受检部位产生10g的压力) 注意事项 检查时不能让被检者看到单丝以及单丝放置的位置 检查时单丝应避开溃疡、胼胝、疤痕和坏死组织等 请勿将单丝


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