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说道杭州就不得不说西湖了 下面介绍西湖吧 Hangzhou West Lake China's sights---Ten views of the West Lake 柳浪闻莺 苏堤春晓 曲院风荷 平湖秋月 断桥残雪 花港观鱼 南屏晚钟 雷峰夕照 双峰插云 三潭印月 柳 浪 闻 莺 Orioles in the Willows is located in the southeast coast of West Lake, covers an area of 300 acres, is the Imperial Southern Song dynasty here, planted willows in the Park when fireworks in March, sees Willow Wind pendulum, like the Emerald sea, from time to time from the musical debuts in spring, hence the name "Liu Lang Wen Ying". 苏 堤 春 晓 Sudi views four different twilight vary. spring morning, six Willow bridge cage yarn, few Debuts early, for "spring dawn at Su Causeway"; summer trees to make Ke, Chan Woo uproar; autumn night, sparkling, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance; winter snow falls thick and fast, overlooking Chiunglin in yushu. 曲 院 风 荷 Quyuanfenghe in West Lake, Sir Georg Solti across the northwest corner of the Hongqiao, covers an area of acres and a half, lotus area of scenic monarch has five large lotus pond and 61 species isolated pools, connected with all kinds of stone; pool planting lotus, Bailian, flower stalk and double, micro and so on Lotus, whenever the wind blows, fragrance overflowing. 平 湖 秋 月 The Moon Lake in the west end of Bai Causeway, octagonal pavilion, surrounded by the office and Hutian ippekiro, in front of the building and made a prominent surface platform, to facilitate the tourists to stop the moon. This overlooking west lake night, regardless of sunny, rainy days are suitable; especially in the night with a bright moon in the sky, the scenery is more beautiful. 断 桥 残 雪 The broken bridge is the starting point of the Bai Causeway, just outside the lake and Lake watershed. The bridge is a single hole bridge, beautiful shape. Boarding bridge, browsing around the lake mountain and lake scenery; especially winter snow, Yuanshanjinshui put on snow, don't poetic. Folk tales "White Snake" in the white goddess and Xu Xianceng here meet a snake and romance, the broken bridge to add more r


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