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第第 第第 2019-2019高二 每日小练 姓名 班级 学号 命题人:李梅芳 校对人:常雅倩 第 61期 A group of panda fans___1_____(select) from European countries are joining a two-month self-drive tour from Europe to Sichuan province. The self-drive team, ____2___consists of 40 members,___3____(cover) about 20190 km across 14 countries along the Southern Silk Road before arriving in Chengdu.__4____total of ten sports vehicles made in Chengdu were sent to Europe via the Chengdu-Europe Express Rail___5___(aid) the whole trip last month. On their way to Sichuan, a full range of activities will___6____(hold), 14 tourism promotion activities and six panda-themed cultural exchange activities____7___(include). The activity is the first large-scale transnational tourism campaign which connects pandas with the Southern Silk Road. Sichuan is home_8___pandas,also the starting point of the Southern Silk Road. The Southern Silk Road is one of the ancient international trade_9_____(channel), starting from Chengdu in Sichuan. Sichuan, known as the panda home of the world, is the obvious destination for panda___10_(love). __________ 2.___________ 3.__________ 4.__________5.__________ 6.___________ 7.____________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.________ Agony Aunt, I’m quite annoyed these days. It started from the last Wednesday. I lost a 100-yuan note in the classroom this morning. I asked my deskmate causally if he had seen it. To my great surprise, he burst into angry. “what do you mean by that?”asked him. “I am poor, so I am never a thief!” I immediately explained, but he simply doesn’t listen. I knew he was too angry at the moment, so I decided to wait a day and two till he cooled down. But he didn’t give me time: the next day, he went to the teacher and asked never be my deskmate no more. Help me, Agony Aunt. How should I do? 第第 2019-2019高二 每日小练 姓名 班级 学号 命题人:李梅芳 校对人:常雅倩 第 62期 A


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