2020年宁夏高考英语模拟试卷7套(附答案解析) .docVIP

2020年宁夏高考英语模拟试卷7套(附答案解析) .doc

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高考英语三模试卷 题号 得分 I II III IV V 总分 一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30.0 分) A Bookstores are a traveller's best friend: they provide convenient shelter in bad weather, and they often host readings and other cultural events. Here is a look at world's six greatest bookstores. Adrian Harrington-since 1971. Rare books; rare first editions; leather bound sets and general antiquarian (古玩). Address: 64A Kensington Church Street, Kensington, London, England, U.K. Another Country-Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Another Country is an English Language second hand bookshop which is mostly used as a library.They have about 20,000 books that you can buy or borrow. Some regular events are held at the shop, such as readings, cultural events, social evenings and film nights. Atlantis Books-Oía, Santorini, Greece.Atlantis Books is an independent bookshop on the island of Santorini, Greece, founded in 2004 by a group of friends from Cyprus, England, and the United States. Throughout the year it has hosted literary festivals, film screenings, book readings, and good old fashioned dance parties. Bart's Books-Ojai, California, U.S.A. "The World's Greatest Outdoor Bookstore", a bookstore founded by Richard Bartinsdale in 1964. Shelves of books face the street, and regular customers are asked to drop coins into the door's coin box to pay for any books they take whenever the store is closed. 10 Corso Como-Milan, Italy. Extensive selection of publication on art, architecture, design, graphics and fashion, along with a strong emphasis on photography. It was founded in 1990 in Milan, Italy, by Carla Sozzani. The Bookworm-A bookshop, library, bar, restaurant and event space, now with four divisions in three cities-Beijing, Suzhou and Chengdu. The interconnecting rooms with floor-to-ceiling books on every wall are light and airy in summer, yet warm and comfortable in winter. 1. Which of the following bookstores has the longest history? ______ A. Adrian Harrington. C. Bart's Books. B. Atlantis Books. D. 10 Como Boo


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