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Book Seven Lesson 4 When do you usually get up ? 教学内容 (Teaching Material) Lesson 4 when do you usually get up ? Let’s learn and A game 教学目标 (Teaching Aims) 熟练掌握日常行为词汇及熟练运用句型: What time do you usually get up ? I usually get up at What time does he usually go to school ? He usually goes to school at 教学重难点 (Main and Difficult Point) What time do you usually get up ? I usually get up at What time does he usually go to school ? He usually goes to school at 教学准备(Teaching Aids) 时间卡片,奖品,冬冬起床的图片,一名学生 Period First 基本教学过程(参考) (Teaching Procedure) 个性设计 (Personality Design) 教学内容 (Teaching Material) Lesson 4 when do you usually get up ? Let’s talk 设计人(Designer) 张家堡学区 杨静 教学目标 (Teaching Aims) 掌握单词weekday 灵活应用语言When do you usually get up ? I usually get up at What time does she get up ? She always gets up at 教学重难点 (Main and Difficult Point) 同上 教学准备(Teaching Aids) Picture , radio , Word cards. Period The second 基本教学过程(参考) (Teaching Procedure) 个性设计 (Personality Design) Ⅰ.Class Opening and greeting. hi ,boys and girls . hi,Miss— How are you doing ? We are very well./We are fine. Thank you. Ⅱ.Warm up and Review sing a song . “Where do you come from?” (激发学生的学习热情,缓解上课的紧张情绪,以快乐的心情开始学习) Ask and answer. (Use the key sentences ask and answer,or the teacher give the modle ,the students to copy ,but use the different words,or give the students right to make dialogues then show it.) For example : How do you do? How do you do? Where do you come from ? I come from Where do you live ? I live in Do you usually get up at six ? Yes I do ./No, I get up at (也可用第三人称单数来进行问答练习。给学生自由发挥的空间,让他们做学习的主人,培养他们的自学乐学的能力。) Ⅲ、New contents Study the new words : weekday. (应为此单词为复合单词,意思很容易被学生猜出来,教师可制作一个可以折叠的单词卡片,给学生先出示左边的单词再出示右边的单词,把他们放在一块来读并猜其意思。) Lead to the dialogue . (The teacher act the dialogue with a student,give all the students the key meaning of the dialogue, the dialogue is easy to be understand, because it is show by “ Let’s learn.”.Then listen to the tape and p


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