人教社新目标英语七年级下册Unit9 Section A 2.pptVIP

人教社新目标英语七年级下册Unit9 Section A 2.ppt

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* Section A Period Two Words and expressions handsome actor actress person 英俊的 演员 女演员 人 一、描述人物外貌的问句。 1. 她/他长得什么样子? What does he/she ____ ____? 2. 他们长得什么样子? What ___ they ____ ____? 3. 她个子是高还是矮? __ she tall __ _____? 4. 他是长发还是短发? _____ he have ____ __ short hair? do look like look like Is or short Does long or 二、描述人物形象的表达方式。 1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。 如: 他很高/矮/中等身高。 He ___ tall/ _____/ ___ ________ height. 她长得很瘦/胖/中等身材。 She ___ thin/ _____/ of _______ ______. 2. 表示留着何种发型等用have/has。 她留着长的直发。 She ____ ________ long hair. is heavy medium build is short of medium has straight 3. 表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear。 他戴着一幅眼镜。 He _____ a pair of _______. 三、选择疑问句。 用法:列举出两个可能情况让对方选择回 答的疑问句。答语不能用Yes/No,常选择 其一来回答句子结构: 一般疑问句 + ___ + 第二个选项? or wears glasses 1. 他是直发还是卷发? ____ he have _______ hair __ ____ hair? 他长着黑色的卷发。 He has _____ _____ hair. 2. 她长得是胖还是瘦? __ she thin ___ _____? 她长得有点瘦。 She is a ______ _____. Does straight or curly black curly Is or heavy little thin 3a Write the words in the correct box. short hair heavy curly hair thin of medium build tall straight hair short long hair of medium height is has thin heavy of medium build tall short short hair of medium height curly hair long hair straight hair 3b Circle the correct words to complete the conversation. A: So what do/does your friend Clark look like? B: Well, he is/has thin, and he have/has black hair. A: Really? Is/Does he tall or short? B: He is/isn’t tall or short. He is/has of medium build. A: Does he has/have curly or straight hair? B: He is/has straight hair. And he is/has really handsome. 3c Write answers to these questions about different people. Then tell your part


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