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2019年浙大考博翻译 许多人对香水和香烟味敏感,一些机构规定工作场所不准用香水。要知道,任何味道在密闭的面试环境中威力会更强大。即使你一直都用香水,在面试那天也不要用。 Many people have sensitivities to perfumes and cigarette smoke, and some organizations have designated their workplace as fragrance-free. Know that any scent becomes more potent in a closed-door interview environment. Even if you always wear a fragrance, skip it on the day of your interview. 如果你缺乏自信心,招聘主管对你也会没信心。衡量一下“我认为我可以学习这个项目”和“我知道我可以学习”之间的差异。在面试前进行角色扮演模拟将会让你的措辞和语调少些犹疑。 If you lack confidence, the hiring manager will as well. Consider the difference between “I think I could learn that program” versus “I know I could learn it.” Role-playing the interview will remove the hesitancy from your words and voice. 许多求职者在面试中都会侃侃而谈简历上没有的东西,避而不谈简历上的内容。这是错误的。招聘主管对你的简历不会像你自己那么熟悉——事实上,他也许在面试时才第一次看你的简历。在谈论自己的成就时,要加进简历上的相关内容,以及你在日常工作中的表现。 Many candidates try to bring up all new material in the interview, avoiding any mention of what’s in the resume. This is a mistake. The hiring manager hasn’t spent as much time with your resume as you have—in fact, the interview may be the first time he’s had to look at it. Weave in relevant points from your resume when discussing your accomplishments, as well as how you performed day-to-day responsibilities. 有时人们认为如果他们被招募去应聘某个岗位,招聘方要向他们推销这个职位,然后他们可以轻松过关。事实并非如此。你在就业市场上受欢迎并不是表现冷漠的借口。表现出对公司缺乏兴趣、没有向招聘主管提任何问题,或者露出无聊的表情,都会让你出局。 Sometimes people think that if they were recruited for the role, they need to be “sold” on the opportunity and can coast through the interview. This is not the case. A hot job market is not an excuse for apathy. Showing a lack of interest in the firm, failing to ask any questions of the hiring manager, or looking bored will keep you out of contention. 此外,完整的情景模拟面试将能帮助你发现其他问题,从而能让你在真正的面试到来前加以改正。在求职面试这件事上,没有什么比亲身实践和准备更重要的了。 Practicing the meeting from start to finish may uncover additional gaffes and enable you to correct them before you walk into the real thing. When it comes to the job interview, there’s just no substitute for in-person prac


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