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100字的三年级小学生英语作文欣赏 How to brush your teeth_怎样刷牙 How to brush your teeth? You should brush your teeth twice a day. First, brush your teeth the inside surface of you teeth. Always move your brush in small circles. Next brush the outside surface of your teeth. Then brush the biting surface of your teeth. After that wash your mouth with water. You should eat a lot of vegetable and fruit. You shouldn’t eat lots of chocolate and sweets. They are not good for you teeth. 你怎样刷牙呢?每天你应该刷两次牙。首先,刷你牙齿的内表面,让你的牙刷在一个小圈内不停的移动。接下来刷你牙齿的外表面,然后,刷你牙齿的咬合面,之后,漱口。你应该多吃蔬菜和水果,不能吃太多的巧克力和糖,对牙齿无益。 【篇二】 My Turtle_我的乌龟 Hi! Good friends. My name is susie. I’m ten years old. This is my pet. It’s a turtle. He is also ten years old. His name is sandwich. He eats ten small fishes every day . Look at him! He has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. He also has a long tail. Now my turtle wants to have a little sister. They can play, sleep and walk together. Now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” My friends,please call me. My telephone number is one two three four five. 你好,朋友,我叫苏西,我今年10岁,这是我的宠物,它是一只乌龟。它的名字叫三文治,它每天要吃十条小鱼。 看看它,他有一个漂亮的外壳和两个小眼睛,还有一条长长的尾巴。 现在我的乌龟想有一个小妹妹,它们能够一起玩,睡觉,散步。现在,三文治先生,伸出你的手,说:“再见。”我的朋友们,请给我打电话,我的电话是一二三四五。 【篇三】 My bedroom_我的卧室 I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It's cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall. I like my bedroom. Do you like my bedroom? 我有一个卧室。它不大,但是非常舒适。卧室里有一张床,床上有一只*的小狗,每天晚上,我都和它一起睡觉。在床的旁边,有一张桌子,桌子上有一只小熊台灯,我非常喜欢这个台灯,它很可爱。我喜欢每天晚上在台灯下做作业,房间里我有一台新电脑,它是我的朋友,因为我用它来学习。墙上有几幅漂亮的画,我喜欢我的卧室,你喜欢你的卧室吗?


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