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;;;一、快速写出下列单词或短语。 1.香蕉 n. _______ 2. 西红柿 n. _______ 3. 面包 n. ___________ 4.生日 n. ___________ 5. fruit __________ 6. chicken _________ 7. question __________ 8. strawberry _________;9.蔬菜 n. _________ 10.食物 n. _______ 11. 正确的;适当的 adj. __________ 11. 早餐;早饭 n. ________ 12. habit _________ 13. healthy __________ 14. really _________ 15. want ________ 16. think about _______;1. Who has a ________ party next week? 2. For __________, what does she like? 3. Ice-cream is not good. Let’s eat some _______ food. 4. I’m hungry (???饿的). Can I eat some ________? 5. — Do you like hamburgers? — No. I don’t _______ like it. ;1. I like _________ (tomato) very much. 2. Ms Smith has ten ____________ (strawberry). 3. Does your sister like _________ (鸡肉)? 4. George has a good ______ (习惯)—he reads every night. 5. Do we need to discuss (讨论)this ________ (问题)?;;Let’s think about the food.;3. Let’s have strawberries and apples then.;5. What do you like for breakfast?;一、 完成句子。 1. We have some fruit after dinner. (改为由let开头的祈使句) _______ _______ some fruit after dinner. 2. 午饭,我弟弟喜欢吃汉堡包。 My brother _____ hamburgers ____ ______. 3. 我们不认识这位体育明星。 We don’t know this ______ ______. 4. 现在多数女孩都不想变胖。 Now most girls don’t _____ _____ ______ ______. ;句型大闯关;;可数名词与不可数名词;语法加油站;语法加油站;语法加油站; 二、单项选择。 1. I have two _______ in my pencil-box. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife 2. —Is there any _______ on the table? —No, there isn’t. A. noodles B. sugar C. dumplings D. oranges 3. How many ______ are there in your factory? A. German B. Japanese C. Australian D. Englishmans;4. —What do you have for breakfast? —I often have _______ or ______. A. breads; noodles B. bread; noodles C. breads; noodle D. bread; noodle;魔法记忆;考点 1【重点】;考点 2【易错点】;典例 ; 实义动词like在肯定句、否定句和疑问


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