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二氧化镒-单壁碳纳米管的制备及其电化学性能研究 超级电容器作为一种新型的绿色储能装置,在许多方面都有非常广阔的应用,其 中电极材料是研究的重点,当前对复合电极材料的研究较多,其结合了各自的优点, 性能得到很大的提升。单壁碳纳米管和二氧化车孟分别作为超级电容器理想的电极材 料,有非常重要的研究意义和非常高的应用价值,本文通过调研,利用简单有效的化 学方法一水热法制备二氧化镒-单壁碳纳米管复合材料,并对其进行表征及电化学性 能测试,观察其形貌、结构与组成,探究其电化学性能的提高。实验中,通过控制反 应时间,对复合材料中二氧化镒的含量进行调控,进而控制复合材料的形貌、结构和 性能,随着反应时间的增长,单壁碳纳米管膜上的二氧化镒增多,材料的电容性能提 高,但二氧化镒含量并非越多越好,其含量达到一定值时,复合材料的性能有了下降 趋势。 关键词: 超级电容器;单壁碳纳米管;二氧化镒;水热法;比电容 THE PREPARATION OF MnO2-SWCNTS AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE RESEARCH ABSTRACT As a new super-capacitors green energy storage device, in many ways a very broad application, wherein the electrode material is the focus of the study, the current study of more complex electrode material which combines the respective advantages, performance is very big improvement. Single-walled carbon nanotubes and manganese dioxide are ideal as supercapacitor electrode materials, has a very important significance and very high value, the paper research, the use of simple and effective chemical process - hydrothermal Synthesis of manganese dioxide - single-walled carbon nanotube composites, and electrochemical properties were characterized and tested to observe the morphology, structure and composition, explore their electrochemical performance improvement. Experiments by controlling the reaction time, the content of manganese dioxide composite regulate, then control the morphology, structure and properties of composite materials, with the growth of the reaction time, the single-walled carbon nanotube film manganese dioxide increased capacitance material properties improved, but the content of manganese dioxide is not possible, the content reaches a certain value, the properties of the composite with a downward trend. KEY WORDS super capacitors, single-walled carbon nanotubes, manganese dioxide, hydrothermal,specific capacitance 第1章绪论 1.1前言 随着社会的和科技的发展进步,人们对能源的需求越来越大,但由于人们越来越 多的使用及不必要的浪费,石油、天然气等不可再生能源逐渐稀少,对环境也造成了 大量的污染,因此,对能源的开发利用和环境的保护是非常重要的,人们现在在这方 面的研究也比较多。太阳能、风能、潮汐能等一些环保、可持续的新能源开始慢慢被 人们开发利



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