Unit 8 商务英语综合教程(3).ppt

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1. 品牌传播 2. 营销公关 3. 灰姑娘业务 4. 总裁 5. 网络繁荣时代 6. 企业社会责任 marketing PR Cinderella business chief executive dotcom boom corporate social responsibility brand communication Useful Experssions 7. 利益相关者 8. 减税 9. 国外子公司 10. 预算赤字 11. 游说公司 12. 企业客户 tax break foreign subsidiaries budget deficit lobbying firm corporate client stakeholder 1. 今天XYZ公司宣布他们正在研制一款新的超级计算机,它将成为数据处理方面的尖端产品。 Today the XYZ Corporation announced it is making a new super- computer which will be on the cutting edge of data processing. 2. 挑剔的消费者和名牌产品的增长已经成为许多消费邻域令人熟悉的特点。 Picky customers and growth in premium products are already familiar features of many consumer landscapes. Sentence Translation 3. 如果经济再次恶化,投资者购买股票的欲望将会彻底消失。 If the economy deteriorates again, investors appetite for buying shares will evaporate. 4. 因为下次油价下跌或者缺少资金时,即便再优厚的条件也可能吸引不到外国投资了。 The next time the oil price falls or money runs short, it might end up having to offer even more munificent terms to lure the oil men back. 5.杰克?伦敦的《热爱生命》讲述的是这样一个故事:一个美国西部的淘金者在返回的途中被朋友抛弃了,他独自跋涉在广袤的荒原上。 Jack London’s love life is about a story : an American in the western part of the Gold Rush was on his way back to the friends abandoned , he walked alone in the vast wasteland . 6. To oust Ms Merkel from the chancellorship in the next election, the SPD would have to win almost 40% of the vote. 要在下次大选中从默克尔手中夺回领导权,社民党还必须赢得几近40%的选票。 7. That is because readers immersed in a storyline want above all not to be interrupted, and all online media teem with distractions (even a hyperlink is an interruption). 这是因为,当读者沉浸在故事情节之中时,他们是不希望被外界打扰的,而所有的在线媒体都充斥着各种干扰(即使一个超链接也会成为某种影响)。 8. But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does make sense to take kids out of a school where theyre happy and safe and satisfied and learning . 不过邓肯先生激烈地争辩道,让孩子离开使他们快乐安全满足且可以学习知识的学校是没有意义的。 9. One is the tax break that favors health insurance provided by employers, which leads to excessively generous coverage and hence over- consumption. 其一是税收减免激励了雇主向员工提供健康保险,导致保险涵盖领


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