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Unit three community 社区security安全(上)Task 3-IIBetter adj/adv.更好Happened vi. 发生(过去式/过去分词)Report v. 报告Stolen v. 偷走(过去分词)Wrong adj. 错误的,有问题的Pounds n. 英镑 Detailed adj. 详细的End n. 末尾Stole v. 偷走(过去式)Issue v. 颁发Task 3-IWhat are they talking about in the dialogue对话? What problems does Bai Mei face面临? What are Molly’s suggestions建议 to Bai Mei?Bai Mei’s handbag手袋 was stolen, now she is talking about this to Molly. What’s (1), darling? Something awful可怕的 (2). We went to Portobello Road, and someone (3) my handbag. Oh, dear. Was there a lot of money in your bag? No. Only (a few)一些 (4). But my passport护照 was in it. That’s what I’m really 确实(worried about)担心的. You (have to)必须 tell the embassy大使馆 about it. And I find they’ll (5) you with a new one. I’d (6) go tomorrow. Yeah, you mustn’t 绝对不可以leave it too long. Did you (7) it to the police? No, I couldn’t find a policeman. Well. You must report that your handbag was (8), and give the police a (9) description 描述of your bag. You’d better go to the local当地的 police Station(警察)局 tomorrow. yes. I’ll do it tomorrow. And Bai Mei…Yes? Don’t be too upset难过的. It’s not the (10) of the world. Task 3-IIICirculate 流通or distribute分发 or equip配备 withRelating与…相关的 to a city or town or district地区 Very bad or unpleasant不令人愉快的 A feeling 感觉of anxiousness焦虑A statement陈述 that represents表示 something in the wordsA diplomatic外交的 building建筑 where ambassadors大使 live or workAwful 可怕的Embassy 大使馆Issue 颁发Description 描述Local 当地的Upset 难过的Task 4-IWise adj. 明智的Knocked v. 敲打(过去式/过去分词)Leaving v 任凭Promise n./v. 承诺Regret n/v.后悔Wrist 手腕 n. Robbed v. 抢劫(过去式/过去分词)Pushed v. 推动Exactly adv. 确切地Expecting adj.期待的Liu Hui is talking to the police about a robbery抢劫. Good evening, sir. I understand that you have been (1). I certainly当然 have. When did this happen发生? About two hours ago. Please tell me (2) what happened. I was sitting in this room watching television when someone (3) on the door. Without 没有thinking, I opened it. That wasn’t very (4), sir. I know. I was (5) my wife, you se


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