新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程Book 3-Unit 5-Translation.pptVIP

新视野大学英语第三版第三册读写教程Book 3-Unit 5-Translation.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * The English ceremony of afternoon tea dates back to the 1840s. The tradition evolved out of the rituals and routines that surrounded tea drinking in Britain before that time. Tea was first introduced to England in the late 1650s, but for a long time, it was only consumed by the royal family and the aristocracy due to its high cost. The habit of having afternoon tea did not become established until almost 200 years later. In those days, the British ate only two daily meals:a large breakfast late in the morning and a late dinner around 8 o'clock in the evening. Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, can be credited for creating the tradition of afternoon tea to soothe hunger pangs before supper. She invited friends to join her for an additional afternoon meal at four to five o'clock. The menu included tea and snacks such as dainty cakes and sandwiches. Fine porcelain(瓷器)was used to serve this minor feast. Afternoon tea soon became popular, and is now a symbol of the elegant British way of life. As novelist Henry James wrote, “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. “ 英式下午茶的仪式可以追溯到19世纪40年代,该传统是由之前英国的茶饮仪式和习惯发展而来的。茶最初在17世纪50年代晚期被引入英国,但由于价格昂贵,所以很长一段时间里,只有皇家和贵族才能享用。直到将近200多年之后,英国人才养成吃下午茶的习惯。在当时,英国人一日两餐:快接近中午时分的丰盛早餐和晚上八点左右的晚餐。据说第七代贝德福德公爵夫人安娜开创了下午茶的传统,以此来缓解晚餐前的饥饿感。她邀请朋友和她一起在下午四五点钟吃下午茶。下午茶中包括茶和一些点心,比如精致的蛋糕及三明治。这些小巧的美食用精美的瓷器盛装。下午茶很快就流行开来,现在已经成为优雅英国生活方式的一个象征。正如小说家亨利?詹姆斯写道的那样:“人生鲜有比全心全意享用下午茶这一仪式更惬意的时刻了。” The English ceremony of afternoon tea dates back to the 1840s. The tradition evolved out of the rituals and routines that surrounded tea drinking in Britain before that time. 英 汉 英式下午茶的仪式可以追溯到19世纪40年代,该传统是由之前英国的茶饮仪式和习惯发展而来的。 date from Tea was first introduced to England in the late 1650s, but for a long time, it was only consumed by the royal family and the aristocracy due to its high cost. 英 汉 茶最初在17世纪50年代晚期被引入英国,但由于价格昂贵,所以很长一段时间里,只有皇家和贵族才能享用。 The habit of having afternoon tea did not bec


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