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Jennifer: But what about bad luck? Something could go wrong. The rock you’re holding on to could break, or your shoe could slip, or ... Stan: Yeah, I know. But you can’t control everything in life. If you don’t take any risks, you’ll never have any fun! I’m looking forward to going again next weekend. Listening 2 To be continued >>> SARS ( Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) n. 非典型性肺炎 monkeypox n. 猴痘 zoonotic disease n. 人畜共通传染病 remotelyad.(用于否定句)丝毫,根本 ecology n. 生态环境 Dan Scanlon 丹·斯坎伦(人名) collapse v.(因病或受伤)突然倒下 coma n.( 因重伤或严重的疾病而引起的)昏迷 spinal tap n. 脊髓穿刺 Inconclusive a. 无明确结果的 disorientationn. 定向障碍 paralysis n. 瘫痪;麻痹 migratory a.(鸟或动物)迁徙的 Narrator: Monkeypox, SARS, West Nile ... these new illnesses are all caused by viruses. And they’re all zoonotic diseases—ones that normally live in animals, and have somehow jumped into people. Twenty years ago, HIV was an obscure virus that evolved from rainforest monkeys. Today, some 40 million people are infected. Could one of these newly emerging viruses be the next HIV and threaten us all? G. Richard Olds (Professor of Medicine): For many years, I’ve been giving a talk called “Revenge of the Rainforest”. And, you know, people always thought it was an interesting topic, but certainly not relevant to those living safely in Wisconsin or Ohio or Indiana. But there are lots of examples of diseases, rainforest diseases, becoming major public health problems in the rest of the world. To be continued >>> Narrator: In 1999, a deadly disease emerged in the U.S. that had never been seen before in the Western Hemisphere. It was West Nile virus. Laurie Garrett (Science Writer): Nobody had even remotely imagined West Nile coming to the United States. I mean, here is a disease, its entire ecology involves the Nile, Sudan, upper Egypt, swamp lands, a very specific set of birds and mosquitoes indigenous to that ecology. No one could have imagined it could emerge in the concrete jungle of Manhattan and Queens, and become a probl


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