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Unit 3 一.词汇的运用 A翻译下面短语及句子。 What are you doing for vacation? 6.你什么 时候走? How is the weather ther8 7. 你呢? how long 8 .一个彳很 棒的假期 go away 9.去野营 have a good time 10.五大 湖 B.根据句子内容完成已给了首字母的单词。 Tom asked Mary what she was doing for v My mother gave birth to a baby last week,so I'm now b my sister. Wr Smith is going to Hawaii in D and he will stay there for three weeks. 14.Summer holidays will come.Pierr is planning to Canadas Great L . Many students in our class have decided to have a very r holiday. Every day after breakfast ,the little boy went f with his gran dfather by the river. 二.单项选择 Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had . A. a time B.a good time c.happy D.time happily Would you please us your pictures take n in Europe? A.take B bring C.show D.fi nd What are we going to do on Sun day? “How about ? A. to go bike riding B.going bike to ride C.going to bike riding D.goi ng bike ridi ng ”My father has bought a new car” “ ?” It' blue and beautiful. ” A.What do you like? B.What' it like? C.How is it like? D.how do you thi nk of it? 5」had wan ted to go to En gla nd for vacati on ,but at last I decided Can ada. A.o n B.over C.i n D.about The doctors said that there was wrong with Jane'legs.she could do to help her. A.someth in g;someth ing B.somethi ng;n othi ng C. no thi ng;a nythi ng D.everythi ng;somethi ng 7 a great party! delicious the food is! A . What ;How D.How ,What 8.” 'm sorry I forgot B.How ,How C.What, What the letter for you! It does'tmatter」‘II post it myself.” D.postedA.to post B.post ing C.post D.posted interesting D.it s interesting D.it s A.that interested B.this interesting C.it in teresti ng The hospital is far from the stati on. A.quiet B.quite Cmuch D.more Please tell us the Scienee Museum. C.how can we getA.how can we reach B.how we can get. C.how can we get D.how we can get They decided to the moun ta in. A.hiki ng B.o n hike C.to hike D. not hiki ng 13.She looks because she has a vacati on. A.relaxed , rel



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