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第三课时 一、基础知识 I基本语言功能 定语从句中关系词必须用that的情况: 被修饰的先行词是不定代词 all, much,something,everything, nothing, none, the one 等时,(注意:表示人的不定代词即可用 that也可用who/whom) eg. Anyone who/that doesn liketthis film must tell me. Do you have something that is very difficult to understand? All ( that) I can do is to give him some hope. 被修饰的先行词还有一些特定意义的修饰词,如:the only、the very、just the the right、 any、every、no、all、much、many、little、few 等, eg. The on ly thi ng ( that)we know is that the uni verse is very big. Any bus that can go there is OK. This is just the/the very/the right book I am looking for. There arefew cars that are driving slowly. Every car that has a high price is worth what it costs. 句子中出现过which或who之类的词,为了避免重复,要用that, eg. Who is the man that is speaking? The factory which produces shoes that are very good has gone bankru 关系代词在从句中作表语时,多用 that。 eg. She is not the girl that she was three years ag.o 先行词被形容词最高级、only等修饰时,应用that。 eg. Tang Guoqiang has become one of the best actors that appear on Chin ese scree ns 先行词既有人又有物或time, eg. Can you tell me the people and events (that) you saw i口 Britain^ The man and hzs doc looked odd carij^ 匸 qu一」匚 Each time that ht camf htre, ht v\-ould liktto talk \vi± her. 5.①关系代词与the sam?(扌調一人)连用时?只能用that- This is th? same person thar I met 町. ②与血sam"指同一物)连用,构成W 1* ■'…that...二构时,关系代词只能用血:? This is the same museum th日:you once visited. 注意】the wain巴.* that*. *结构中的thafl,「能甲 匪二替!因处Ltie勺an;a ..弟….与the same.?* that.. *的 含义不同. —个句子中有两个定语从句时,如第一个从句中已用 who,第二 个从句中宜用that。 eg. The man who is at table is his brother that has been serving in the army. 当先行词是to be的表语,或关系代词本身是从句的表语时,关系 代词应用that。 eg. It's a song that is very popular. My hometow n is no Ion ger the placethat it used to be. 当主句以There be开头时,关系代词应用that。 eg. There is a seat in the cor ner that is still free 8当一个句子中含有两个定语从句时,如前一个已用关系代词which, 后一个关系代词宜用that。 eg. rII borrow a book which tells about the heroic deeds that the PLA did in the battles aga inst the inv aders 但两个定语从句的结构如果平行,一个定语从句中用关系代词 that,另一个定语从句也应重复 that。 eg.


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