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2019-2020学年高一人教版 英语复课大检测(三) 1、At no time ________ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. A.they actually broke B.do they actually break C.did they actually break D.they had actually broken 2It is ???????????? hoped that our Chinese government,along with all circles of society,willdevelop economy quickly and improve people’s livelihood greatly. 3、We are confident that the environment _______ by our further efforts to reduce pollution. A. had been improved B. will be improved C. is improved D. was improved A.gratefully B.sincerely C.entirely D.gradually 4、---The current international financial crisis is affecting most countries in the world. ---Would it be at least several years ____ everything returns to normal? A.when B.that C.since D.before 5、The meeting will be held in September, but____ knows the date for sure. A.everybody B.nobody C.anybody D.somebody 6、After the exploration the?army got the building???????????? ?and the?????????????? ?area was also cut off from the outside. A.surrounded; surrounded B.surrounding; surrounded C.surrounding; surrounding D.surrounded; surrounding 7、You ________ worry about it, as everything has been settled now. A.shouldn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t 8、________ warm at night, I would fill the wood stove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it. A.Staying B.Stayed C.To stay D.Stay 9、During the military parade to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the birth of Kim Jong Ⅱ, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un????????????? his first public speech. A.announced B.spoke C.delivered D.predicted 10、Alice,together with her friends,____________(punish) for having broken the school rules the other day. 11、Many a student __________(have) shown an interest in the competition, but neither Tom nor his two friends _____________(be) interested in it. 12、As the final exam is coming, my pressure builds?__________, and I’m afraid it will result__________?my failure. 13、We are even surprised when we


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