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毕业论文范文模板 CAFTA 背景下我国企业对泰直接投资探析 摘 要 近些年来,随着中泰贸易持续升温,泰国已经成为中国企业进 入 CAFTA “桥头堡”。本文选择中国企业在泰直接投资作为研 究课题,旨在分析我国直接投资在泰国的现状、投资环境以及所面 临的问题,进而提出有针对性的政策建议。本文首先分析了中国企 业在泰国投资所面临的政治环境、经济环境、法律环境和社会文化 环境等。其次,对中国在泰直接投资现状进行分析,主要从我国企 业在泰国的直接投资发展历史、投资总量、投资结构等方面进行分 析,并概括了投资现状。然后,对我国企业在泰国投资所面临的问 题及原因进行分析。最后,提出我国企业在泰国直接投资的对策与 建议。 关键词:CAFTA 企业 直接投资 CAFTA enterprises of our country under the background of the Thai direct investment analysis [Abstract] In recent years, with China and Thailand Trading continued to heat up, Thailand has become Chinese enterprises to enter the CAFTA "bridgehead". This paper selects Chinese enterprises direct investment in Thailand as the research object, analyzes the Chinese direct investment in the current situation of Thailand, the 毕业论文范文模板 investment environment and problems, and propose specific solutions. This paper firstly introduces the Chinese enterprises to invest in Thailand faced political environment, economic environment, law environment and social culture environment, with a view to Thailand investment environment to make an overall evaluation. Next to the Chinese direct investment in Thailand state undertakes an analysis, mainly from Chinese enterprises direct investment in Thailand history, the total investment, investment structure analysis and so on, and the current situation of investment to make overall evaluation. Then, on Chinese enterprises to invest in Thailand : Problems and causes analysis. Finally, put forward our country enterprise direct investment in Thailand countermeasures and suggestions. [Key words] CAFTA ,enterprises ,direct investment


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