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毕业论文范文模板 企业离职现象研究 作者:QCshiwei 大杨股份有限公司大学生流失问题探讨 摘要 本文通过对大杨股份有限公司的大学生流失情况及人力资源管理中存在的问题进行分 析,对造成其流失现象的原因进行归纳和总结,并力求找出一套针对其业务运行现状行之 有效的大学生人才流失规避方法。过高的大学生流失率不仅会对企业造成过高的人力成本 和职位替换成本,另外也表明,相当一部分的企业对大学生缺少凝聚力、感召力,大学生 对企业缺乏归属感、认同感。越来越多的企业也认识到企业之间的竞争归根结底是人才的 竞争,于是企业每年从各大专院校引进为数不少的大学生。然而往往是每年花费大量财力、 人力招聘大学生,每年有大学生频频跳槽、辞职,高进高出,引发了许多对大学生流失问 题的探讨。 关键词:民营企业 大学生流失 职业规划 宽带薪酬 入职培训 Abstract This paper analyzes the phenomenon of graduates outflow and the problem of the human resources management existing in Big Yang limited liability company, concludes and summarizes the causation of the phenomenon. As the same time, aiming at the company’s condition of operation, the paper endeavors to find out an effective method to solve the problem of brain drain. The high rate of brain drain causes exceeding Outflow cost and time cost in the process of position replacement. In addition, it is also indicated that enterprises are short of attraction and inspiritual force, and the graduates lack the sense of belonging to the enterprises. More and more enterprises have realized that the key of competition among enterprises is the competition of the talented actually. Therefore, enterprises introduce massive graduates from all colleges and universities into their companies every year. This kind of activity always consumes a great deal of financial resource and human resources every year, However, the graduates who have been employed give in their resignations and change jobs frequently. This problem of brain drain initiates so much discussion . Key words: Private enterprise,the brain drain in the university students, Career Planning ,wide band salary ,on boarding training 毕业论文范文模板 一、大杨股份有限公司大学生流失概况 (一)大杨股份有限公司简介 大连大杨股份有限公司,是大杨集团控股并在上海证


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