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  谚语是广泛流传于民间的言简意赅的短语,多数反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验,而且一般都是经过口头传下来的。下面是给大家带来的夏天英文谚语合集3篇,希望能够帮助到大家!   夏天英文谚语合集1   1、立夏东风麦面多。   There are many wheat noodles in the east wind in the early summer.   2、芒种雨涟涟,夏至火烧天。   The rain is ripple and the summer solstice is on fire.   3、夏至两边豆,重阳两边麦。   Beans on both sides of summer solstice and wheat on both sides of Chongyang.   4、苗子不全,及早补填。   The seedlings are incomplete and should be filled in as soon as possible.   5、耕地深又早,收成才得好。   Farmland is deep and early, and the harvest is good.   6、小满不种花,种花不回家。   Flowers are not planted when they are full, and flowers are not planted at home.   7、夏至栽禾,饿死鸡婆。   Planting grass in the summer solstice starves the chicken mother.   8、芒种雨涟涟,夏至旱燥田。   Rain ripples in awn seeds and dry fields in summer solstice.   9、夏至起蒜,必定散了瓣。   When garlic comes up in the summer solstice, it must be scattered.   10、时节到来一阵风,抢收抢种莫放松。   When the season comes, there is a gust of wind. Don't relax.   11、夏至东风摇,麦子坐水牢。   The summer solstice is windy and the wheat is in a water jail.   12、夏至不打雷,大水连天起。   There is no thunder in the summer solstice, and there is a flood from day to day.   13、长到夏至短到冬。   Long to summer solstice and short to winter.   14、苗荒苗,不结桃。   Shortage seedlings do not bear peaches.   15、夏至响雷三伏冷,夏至无雨晒死人。   Summer solstice thunder and cold, summer solstice no rain to death.   16、夏至无雨三伏热。   The summer solstice is rainless and hot.   17、芒种刮北风,旱情会发生。   Drought will occur when the awn seed blows northward.   18、定苗带个篮,蚜株移出田。   Fixed seedlings with a basket, aphids moved out of the field.   19、夏至有雨三伏热,重阳无雨一冬晴。   The summer solstice is rainy and hot, and Chongyang is rainless and sunny in winter.   20、栽秧要抢先,割麦要抢天。   Planting seedlings first, cutting wheat first.   夏天英文谚语合集2   1、夏天的校园,枝叶茂盛,百花齐放。也是一个绿色的校园。夏天的天空湛蓝深远,白云白的像一团团雪白的棉花一样,太美了!   The summer campus, Mieba Momori, All flowers bloom together. Is also a green campus. Summer sky blue, white clouds white like a round of white cotton, too beautiful!   2、烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘不过气来。   Sc


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