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毕业论文范文模板 企业盈利能力分析--以万科地产为例 摘要:随着经济的不断地发展,企业在我国的发展经济的道路上占有重要 的地位,企业如何能更好的发展盈利能力分析对于企业是非常的重要的,他可 以通过财务报表分析出企业的盈利的情况,以及企业一些近些时间经营的状况。 通过对公司的盈利分析,可以让投资者和股东更好的了解这个公司的状况,更 好的分析出这个公司的未来的前景,以及将来的发展的模式。 我国的房地产事业不断的发展壮大,作为房地产行业的龙头老大的万科公 司,他的盈利能力虽然说比较的平稳,但是还有一些波动,所以去分析万科集 团的盈利能力分析是有必要的,本文以万科地产为例,去分析他的盈利能力, 这样更好的有助于管理者的管理以及投资者了解公司的状况,从而使万科集团 更好的发展壮大,本文首先通过盈利能力分析的相关的概念进行简述,然后搜 集万科地产的相关的数据进行盈利能力分析,通过有关的数据进行分析,找到 万科地产在盈利能力方面错存在的问题,并且在最后提出相关的建议,使万科 集团发展的越来越好。同时也对我国的房地产事业有一定的现实的指导的作用。 关键词:万科房地产;盈利能力分析;竞争力 毕业论文范文模板 Abstract: with the continuous development of economy, enterprises play an important role in the economic development of our countrys road, how can the enterprise profit ability to develop better analysis is very important for the enterprise, he can through the financial statement analysis of enterprise profitability, and some enterprises in some time management situation. Through the analysis of the companys earnings, investors and shareholders can better understand the situation of the company, a better analysis of the companys future prospects, and future development model. Chinas real estate industry to continue to develop and grow, as the real estate industry big boss Vanke Company, although his profitability is relatively steady, but there are some fluctuations, so to analyze Vanke Groups profitability analysis is necessary, the real estate Vanke as an example, to analyze his profitability, so better help managers and investors understand the companys situation, so that the development of Vanke Group better and stronger. This paper describes the first through the analysis of profitability related concepts, and then collect a million estate data related to profitability analysis, through the analysis of relevant data, to find out the problem. In terms of profitability


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