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毕业论文范文模板 企业筹资决策问题研究 摘要:资金是企业生存的关键,是在激烈的竞争中击败对手的有利武器。一 个健康发展的企业不但能充分地利用好内部资金来源,还能有效的从外部融入资 金。随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深入,市场经济体制的建立和发展,企业资 金来源日益多样化。企业为了自身的生存和发展,就会选择各种不同的筹资方式 来解决自身资金不足的问题,但往往在资金筹集的过程中会因种种原因而出现筹 资不及时、资金规模不适当、筹资风险过大、资本结构欠佳、筹资成本过高以及 忽略筹资税务筹划等问题。因此,如何有效地进行融资就成为企业财务管理部门 一项极其重要的基本活动。 关键词:企业筹资,筹资决策,问题分析,对策 Abstract: the capital is the key to the survival of enterprises, is a powerful weapon to defeat opponents in the competition. The healthy development of an enterprise can not only take full use of internal sources of funds, but also can obtain funds from outside. With the further reform of our country economic system, the establishment and development of market economy, the increasingly diverse sources of funds of enterprises. Enterprises for their own survival and development, will choose the different ways of financing to solve their own problems of insufficient funds, but often in financing in financing for a variety of reasons appear not timely, funds are not appropriate, the financing risk is too large, capital structure, financing cost and ignore the poor financing tax planning etc. the problem. Therefore, how to conduct effective financing becomes the enterprise financial management a very important basic activity. Keywords: enterprise financing, financing decision making, problem analysis, countermeasures 毕业论文范文模板 目录 1.绪论3 1.1 本文的理论意义和实用价值 3 1.2 国内外研究现状3 1.2.1 国外与研究现状4 1.2.2 国内研究现状5 1.3 本文研究的主要内容及需要解决的关键问题 6 2.企业筹资决策基本理论6 2.1 筹资决策相关概念 6 2.2 筹资决策的内容和方法 6 2.3 筹资决策的原则 7 2.3.1 包括收益与风险相匹配的原则7 2.3.2 投资规模量力而行的原则7 2.3.4 保持企业


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