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2020中考英语时事阅读第六期 Passage 1(印尼九岁女孩编程反欺凌) A nine-year-old Indian girl Meaidaibahun Majaw said she came up with a way to solve the problem after it started to trouble her. "I experienced bullying in school since I was young. It affected me. I hated it so much that I was always thinking about how to deal with it. No other child should have to go through the same,"Majaw said. The app,which would soon be available on Google Play,allows victims to report their bullies to teachers,parents,and friends secretly. "Users can provide details of the incidents,including the name of the bully,and send the messages to people concerned.This allows the authorities to take necessary actions,"Majaw explained. Majaw were praised by state education minister Lakmen Rymbui."I wish Majaw the best in her efforts to fight social ills. She will be a responsible citizen. I congratulate her parents,too,for guiding her,"Rymbui added. A 2017 survey found that 42 percent of kids in India were bullied in schools. Dasumarlin Majaw,her mother,said that the girl had attended an app-development course in September last year,and learned the skills within a few months. "She would attend classes for an hour every day.Before we knew,she had come up with 40 apps,"Dasumarlin said.Majaw was hopeful that she would be among the young coding experts from India to have earned a scholarship for travelling to the Silicon Valley. 1.Why did Majaw develop the app? A. Because she had no reason to do that. B. Because she suffered the bullying a lot. C. Because people were easily to be bulled. D. Because she was good at computer science . 2.The underlined word "victims" means in Chinese. A.青少年 B.警察 C.校长 D.受害者 3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3? A. Majaw can do nothing without the help of her parents. B. Rymbui supported schools to take action against bullying. C. The school bullying in India has become a serious social problem. D. Rymbui hoped that society



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