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毕业论文范文模板 司法实践中对证明责任理解与适用的误区与矫正 摘要: 证明责任,又称为举证责任,是民事诉讼法研究的前沿问题,被认为是民 事诉讼的脊梁。证明责任主要研究的是当事实真伪不明时法官如何裁判的问题。证明 责任的分配决定着当案件事实真伪不明时,由何方当事人承担败诉风险,由此并最终 影响其实体利益。但在司法审判实践中,对证明责任的理解仅仅停留在 “提供证据责 任”的层面上,且相关的法律和司法解释对证明责任及其分配未有详尽具体的规定, 往往会形成非常矛盾的判决。本文力求通过对国内外相关证明责任理论和我国现行法 律及司法解释的研究,从而提出具有可操作性的证明责任规则,完善我国的证明责任 体系。 关键词:民事诉讼;证明责任;司法裁判 毕业论文范文模板 ABSTRACT the burden of proof, also known as the burden of proof in the civil procedure law, is the frontier research, is considered to be the backbone of the civil litigation. The burden of proof is the major research when judges when truth is not clear how the referee's problem. The distribution of burden of proof is deciding when the case when truth is not clear, by any party to take the risk of losing a lawsuit, and ultimately affect the interests therefrom. But in the judicial practice, the burden of proof understanding only stay in the" burden of producing evidence" level, and relevant laws and judicial interpretations of the burden of proof and its allocation not detailed and specific, often can form very contradictory judgments. This article through to the domestic and foreign relevant proof responsibility theory and China's current legal and judicial interpretation of the research, thus put forward the feasible proof rules, perfecting the burden of proof system. Key words: civil litigation; burden of proof; judicial judgment 毕业论文范文模板 目 录 一、证明责任的概念及证明责任分配学说 1 (一)证明责任的概念 1 (二)证明责任分配理论的学说及评论1 二、我国民事证明责任制度及其存在的问题 3 (一)我国未真正建立起现代证明责任的法学理念3 (二)举证责任代替证明责任,两者概念不分,混为一谈4 (三)证明责任分配不合理,形同虚设,难予操作4 (四)我国证明责任正置与倒置概念不清4 三、构建和完善我国民事证明责任分配制度 4 (一)正确理解我国民事诉讼中证明责任的含义4 (二)构建我国的民事诉讼证明标准制度4 (


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