munities中职英语拓展模块uint 1高教版1.ppt

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Unit 1 ——拓展模块 ? Americans are usually tolerant of non- native speakers ( who have some trouble understanding English . ) ? 美国人 对 (理解英语有困难的)非本国人一般比 较 宽容 / 谅解 。 ? But they become annoy ed [ when a person pretends to understand but doesn't really and then create s problem s because of misunderstand ing what was said . ] ? 但是 当一个人不懂装懂,并且由于误解所听的话而造成问题时, 他们会烦恼的。 be tolerant of/towards… “对…宽容” Eg: Mr. Smith your mistake . 史密斯先生 不 会原谅你的错误。 ? We should always the views if we disagree with them . 即使我们不同意别人的观点,我们也应该对此宽宏大量。 ? Her own mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards others . 她因自己有错,对别人的错就概不计较了。 isn't tolerant of be tolerant of have some/no trouble (in) doing sth ? have some/no trouble (in) doing sth. 在.……方面(没)有 麻烦 ? 在……方面有(无)困难 ? have some/no difficulty (in) doing sth. be annoyed with sb. “生……的气” be annoyed at sth. “讨厌某事 / 物” eg : ? He is never annoyed with me . 他从来不生我的气。 ? We' re annoyed at his saying that . 我们讨厌他说那样的 话。 ? These flies are annoying at me . 这些苍蝇真让人讨厌。 pretend to do… 假装要做…… pretend that… 装作…… ? 他佯装 不 知实情。 ? He pretended not to know the fact . ? 他假装病了 以便 能待在家里。 ? He pretended ( that he was ill ) so that he could stay at home . switch eg :I don't like this TV play , let's another program . Would you mind my switch ing the radio off ? 我 关掉收音机 , 你介意吗 ? Would you mind switch ing the radio off ? 你介意 去关掉收音机 , 吗 ? Now that 既然 ? Now that you have come , you may stay here for some days . ? 既然你来了 , 就在这呆几天吧。 ? you are alone , you can speak freely . 既然是你一个 人 , 你就可以随便说了。 ? by all means ? by any means ? by no means ? 当然 ? 不顾一切,用任何办法 ? 决不 be engaged in doing sth. 忙于 , 从事(某事)参与(某事) ? Eg :这位女士为孩子们做衣服。 ? The lady is engaged in making clothes for children.


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