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D Lesson 67 Volcanoes Today we'll listen to a story about the experiences of a volcano expert. Fist let's see some of the word's famous Volcanoes 1.volcano [ v?l‘ke?n?? ] 火山 Volcano eruption 火山喷发 Active [‘?kt?v ] adj. 积极的;活跃的;活动的 An active volcano has erupted recently 一座 活 火山最近喷发了。 Each musician is an active member of the symphony. 每个音乐家都是交响乐中 活跃的 一个分子。 We should play an active role in school activity. 我们都应该在学校活动中扮演更 积极的 角色。 Violently [?va??l?ntli ] adv. 猛烈地, 激烈地 Her heart was beating violently. 她的心猛烈地跳动着。 manage [' m?n?d? ] vt. 设法 Manage to do sth 设法完成某事 ( 虽然很费劲,但是完成了 ) Michael and Linc managed to escape from the prison. 成功从监狱里逃跑出来。 Vt. 管理;经营 ; The manager manages 5 Frook Convenience Stores. Try to do sth Try doing sth Succeed in doing sth 设法做某事,努力做某事(但不一定成功了) 尝试做某事 , (试试看) 成功的做了某事 Please try to finish this question in thirty seconds. She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo. He succeeded in solving this math problem. I usually go there by train. -Why not _________ by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D.try going Brilliant [' br?lj(?) nt] adj 杰出的;有才气的;精彩的,绝妙的 She had a brilliant mind. Brilliant achievement 辉煌成就 她有极聪明的头脑。 Escape [ ?'ske?p ;] V. 逃跑,逃脱 A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern Texas. 一名囚犯已经从北德克萨斯州的一个监狱逃走。 n. 逃脱,逃避的方法 For me television is an escape. 但对我而言,电视是个逃避现实的方法。 Alive [ ?'la?v ] adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 We don't know if the missing passengers are alive or dead. 我们不知道那些失踪的乘客是活还是死。 She seemed more alive after class, is it because she had a good sleep on the class? 下课后她似乎更有活力,是因为她上课睡了一个好觉吗? Listen to the story and see if you can answer these Questions 1. Who is Haroun Tazieff? (A Polish scientist. ) 2. What has he spent his lifetime doing? (Studying active volcanoes and deep caves. ) 3. Where did he go in 1948? (Lake Kivu. ) 4. Why did he go there? (To observe a new volcano. ) 5. Where was Tazieff able to set up camp? (Very close to the volcano. ) 6. What did he


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