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- - PAGE # - C. A mailman.U. Learn from htr+ C. A mailman. U. Learn from htr+ 山西省晋中市和顺县一中2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题 (扫描版,无答案) 簿生注議t K本试卷共L50分+哮试时冋120分弊= 2请将各題荟隶境爲崔学題卡上* 第_部分 听力(共商节■膚分30井) g卩裁"旳陆" 做题时.先将苓案标在试卷上.录體内容结朿后*祢将有朗什钟的忖间將试卷 : 涂別薯題卡上. 第一节(^5小聽“毒小麺】.5分,満分人5分) 一 新下面5国对话.每段Jt播后有-<■小中所翳的九B、「介选项中选出严:选几 听完毎段对话專你都有用秒钟的时间来冋蓉有关小题和阅读下一小舐每段对话仪读.退? 例 1 How much is the shirt? 扎 £19. 15’ 蓉秦理C. What should the woman have done at The meeting f Ah, She should have agreed with John. K She should have miiwd objections io John. C? She should have talked with John, What does Smith do probably? A snlesman. K A milkm-irL 3* What docs thr wurrmn advice the mu a tu do? Tell Jant to help hiirk K Lk> as he has said, 扎 How did Jack react ta the punishment? A. He accepted it+ B. Ik disliked i'. 5. Why does the man wnrii a room? A. Ta have a meeting. K To &iay Jar one 口唯hi, 第二节(共环小題*每小题】? 5分■満分曲5分】 听下面5段对话或独白?每段对话或独门斤冇几个小縣■从鞠中所给的A.B.C三个选 中选出战僅选项.听毎段对话或独白前備将有时闾阅读各亍小题■每小题5秒钟;听完后? 小題将给出5秒钟的作答时间》每段对话或哋白读陷遍: 听第E段材料,回答第6'7砸? 隹 W^hich kind of drinks dees the nian like trompj A. Beer* ' (kanse juice, 7. What does the man mean in ih C. He chanx^ his bcha\riot.C. To celebrait his birihdaA. He lik啓 C. He chanx^ his bcha\riot. C. To celebrait his birihda 恤亡 iEt 如 lor him. G Nobody like* drinking wine, :第7段材料间柚氐呃 ' 硏血uld the wonun da as a 客uitk? 乩 Tfiatrh leucnn to vishm■& :Show visitor haw to learn history* 'btroduce picture and iiemK w vuiitora^ G Worthy and satisfactory-C. Buy some b?r.* How does tht woir^n {ind her pre^nr 说? 曲*扎 Fr閘 but tired、 G Worthy and satisfactory- C. Buy some b?r. 斤第$段材料.回菩第10至12题: 10. Why does the man mention *a dried plant"? 入 Tcj show the hot weather, H To make his iq[k understood. 匚 Tc dhow his ferling^ ta old men, 1L What does the woman advise the man io do? A, See a doctor. B. Ekve much liquid. 】2. What will the man do soon after the conversation? A. Go to the hoapiuL Bi Go home and enjoy beer. Ch Share betr at the woni^n hqrne. 听第9段財料*回善弟13至诂题. I3h WKsi 检 rhe intention



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