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熱膨脹係數 Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) ? ? Product Linear Temperature Expansion Coefficient - α- (10-6 m/m K) (10-6 in/in oF) ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) thermoplastic 73.8 41 ABS -glass fiber-reinforced 30.4 17 Acetal 106.5 59.2 Acetal - glass fiber-reinforced 39.4 22 Acrylic, sheet, cast 81 45 Acrylic, extruded 234 130 Alumina 5.4 3.0 Aluminum 22.2 12.3 Antimony 10.4 5.8 Arsenic 4.7 2.6 Barium 20.6 11.4 Beryllium 11.5 6.4 Bismuth 13 7.3 Brass 18.7 10.4 Brick masonry 5.5 3.1 Bronze 18.0 10.0 Cadmium 30 16.8 Calcium 22.3 12.4 Carbon - diamond 1.2 0.67 Cast Iron Gray 10.8 6.0 Cellulose acetate (CA) 130 72.2 Cellulose acetate butynate (CAB) 80 - 95 Cellulose nitrate (CN) 100 55.6 Cement 10.0 6.0 Cerium 5.2 2.9 Chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC) 66.6 37 Chromium 6.2 3.4 Clay tile structure 5.9 3.3 Cobalt 12 6.7 Concrete 14.5 8.0 Concrete structure 9.8 5.5 Constantan 18.8 10.4 Copper 16.6 9.3 Copper, Beryllium 25 17.8 9.9 Corundum, sintered 6.5 3.6 Cupronickel 30% 16.2 9 Diamond 1.1 0.6 Dysprosium 9.9 5.5 Ebonite 76.6 42.8 Epoxy, castings resins & compounds, unfilled 55 31 Erbium 12.2 6.8 Ethylene ethyl acrylate (EEA) 205 113.9 Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) 180 100 Europium 35 19.4 Fluoroethylene propylene (FEP) 135 75 Gadolinium 9 5 Germanium 6.1 3.4 Glass, hard 5.9 3.3 Glass, Pyrex 4.0 2.2 Glass, plate 9.0 5.0 Gold 14.2 8.2 Granite 7.9 4.4 Graphite, pure 7.9 4.4 Hafnium 5.9 3.3 Hard alloy K20 6 3.3 Hastelloy C 11.3 6.3 Holmium 11.2 6.2 Ice 51 28.3 Inconel 12.6 7.0 Indium 33 18.3 Invar 1.5 0.8 Iridium 6.4 3.6 Iron, pure 12.0 6.7 Iron, cast 10.4 5.9 Iron, forged 11.3 6.3 Lanthanum 12.1 6.7 Lead 28.0 15.1 Limestone 8 4.4 Lithium 46 25.6 Lutetium 9.9 5.5 Magnesium 25 14 Manganese 22 12.3 Marble 5.5 - 14.1 3.1 - 7.9 Masonry 4.7 - 9.0 2.6 - 5.0 Mica 3 1.7 Molybdenum 5 2.8 Monel 13.5 7.5 Mortar 7.3 - 13.5 4.1-7.5 Neodymium 9.6 5.3 Nickel 13.0 7.2 Niobium (Columbium) 7 3.9 Nylon, general purpose 72 40 Nylon, Type 11, molding and extruding compound 100 55.6


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