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8A Un it 4 一、短语 看起来很美味 look 看起来像一只白老鼠 look a white mouse (mice) 称她为希望 call Xiwang (what) 重 100 克 weigh 100 (weighed) 第一次离家 go outside her home for the first time 丿八个月以前 /后 eight mon ths /eight mon ths 竹笋和竹叶 bamboo shoots and ( leaf) 8变成一只健康又年轻的大熊猫 grow a healthy you ng panda (grew, grow n) 9 天达到14小时 for 14 hours a day 10 在开始 the very beg inning 11 又生了一个宝宝 have baby 12 穿过雨林 walk a rai nforest 13 砍树 cut sth (cut trees 注意:cut it/them dow n) 14 生存 stay =survive 15像家人样活着 live as a family/work a team/live family groups 16踩到一条蛇 step a snake (stepped) 17处于危险之中 (be) in 带走 take sth away注意:take it/them 采取措施 take (s) to do sth./ do somethi ng to 学到许多关于 learn a lot … 生存地的流失 (the) of living areas 使得大熊猫保护区增大 make giant panda reserves 在白天 the daytime 获得足够的信息 get en ough in formation 留下某人一个人 leave sb. = leave sb. (all) oneself= leave s one' s own 26保持做某事 keep sth 使某人继续做某事 keep sb. sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep/stop /prevent s doing sth. 27使某人远离危险 keep sb/sth safe danger 28 好视觉,听觉,嗅觉 good , and smell 29 到处移动 move 30 用他们的骨头制药 make medici ne their bones 31 赚很多的钱 a lot of money 32 到处寻找 hunt =look for 33 在中午 noon 34 对某人很友好 be frie ndly /towards sb. 35去北京动物园的参观 a visit Beiji ng Zoo 36关于野生动物的报告 a report wild an imals 继续做某事 continue sth = go on sth. = go on with sth 直走 walk 用动物皮毛做的衣服 clothes of animal fur 死去 one' s life = die 回家 home 二come home 归还 return …二 …back 海豚展 a dolphi n 变得越来越小 get and 44持续的占用土地 taking the land 仓 U造新的农田 make new farmla nd(s) 感到害怕 feel f = feel a d 对 感兴趣 be / become i in 一个人住 live a =live (all)b on eself =live one' s Sadly, it is very di fficult for gia nt pan das to survive in the world. If hun ters catch a gia nt pan da, they kill it for its fur. If farmers cut dow n trees and forests, gia nt pan das will have no where to live. Mothers ofte n leave baby pan das for two whole days on their own. If we do no thi ng, soon there will be no gia nt pan das in the world. If I see a sn ake in front of me, I will run the other way. If I a


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