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旧金属材质制作 精品文档 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 这是一篇作旧金属的教程,由于比较简单而且图片比较丰富,这里就不作翻译了,相信大家都能看的懂。 效果图 01.jpg (17.27 KB) ? desnity CG发帖中级 ? 06Next I map the Specular Color. We make a duplicate of the file texture With Connections to Network. This way I only need one texture placement node. Then I connect the duplicate with the Specular Color of the shader. 07Now the highlight looks a little more interesting. Next I will try some variations on the Specular color by connecting a Ramp to the Color Remap of the Specular Color file. 08In the file of the Specular Color under Effects click the Insert button next to Color Remap. 09This is my final network for the tube shader, all thats left is editing the Ramp to get the disired look. With the help of the IPR its easy to check out different settings. Now open the Remap Ramp and experiment. Below are some Testrenders with their appropriate Ramps. 10通过调整ramp以后所得到的不同效果 11继续调整ramp OK,到这里就结束了,方法很简单但是效果很好


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