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课时提升作业(九) Unit 5 Section A 中?考?资?源?网 (20分钟 50分) I .根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)中?考.资?源?网 We Chin ese eat food with c but not forks and kni ves. The win dow is made of g and steel. They p bikes in this factory. — Whose m phone is this? —It ' s our teacher ' s. We ofte n wear g to protect our hands in wi nter. 答案:1. chopsticks 2. glass 3. produce 4. mobile 5. gloves n .选择方框内合适的词填空(10分) traffic, blouse, widely, grass, handbag 中.考 .资.源 .网 The is made of silk and it feels very soft. The cow eats but gives us milk. En glish is spoke n and used all over the world. There is much money in her lost , so she is very worried. The is very busy. You should be careful whe n you cross the road. 答案:1. blouse 2. grass 3. widely 4. handbag 5. traffic 皿.单项选择(10分) (2014 北京朝阳区期末)—How clean and tidy your bedroom is! —Than ks. I every day. clea ns B. clea ned C. is clea ned D. was clea ned — What do you thi nk of the shirt? —Very great. It is made of good . brand B. materials C. coins D. leaf Stamps are made and they are used to post letters. of paper B. of silver C. from paper D. from silver — How do they pick the pears? —They pick the pears . in hand B. by hand C. in hands D. by hands They use the gold rings and other thi ngs. to make B. to made C. is made D. are maki ng 答案:1?5. CBABA IV .完成句子(10分) 你知道如何栽树吗? Do you know rees ?[来源:中.考.资. 源.网 WWW.ZK5U.COM] 哪里有卖玩具车的? toy cars ? 不论你是谁,都必须遵守学校规则。 you are, you must obey the school rules. 这个地方以桃子而闻名。 The place peaches. 老板每月付给他2 000元钱。 He 2, 000 yua n by his boss. 答案:1. how; are planted 2. Where are; sold 3. No matter who is known /famous for 5. is paid[来源:中.考.资.源.网 WWW.ZK5U.COM] V.阅读理解(10分) In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People pla nned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. The big clock was made in two years. Five more years later the tower was fini shed. Then people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on


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