冀教版七年级英语上Unit2colours and clothes-Lesson8Danny's favourite colour公开课比赛获奖课件.pptVIP

冀教版七年级英语上Unit2colours and clothes-Lesson8Danny's favourite colour公开课比赛获奖课件.ppt

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paint 涂料;颜料 paint 画画 [pe?nt]? Let’s learn new words. mix 混合 [m?ks] mix sky 天空 [ska?] rainbow 彩虹['reinb?u] Words and expressions paint mix rainbow purple out sky v. & n. 画; 绘画颜料 v. 混合; 调配 n. 彩虹;虹 adj. & n. 紫色(的) adv.&prep. 在外面; 在……外面 n. 天空 Read Part 1 and answer the questions. Is red Danny’s favourite colour? 2. What is Danny’s favourite colour? 3. How to make green? Mix blue and yellow. Green. No, it isn’t. Try to speak out the dialogue. Hi, Danny. Do you want to paint with me? Sure! Here is some red paint. OK. How about blue? No, I don’t like red. Blue is good. But do you have yellow? Yes. Is yellow your favourite colour? That’s right! Is green your favourite colour? No, but I can mix blue and yellow to make green. Yes, it is. Fill in the blanks. Jenny: Hi, Danny. Do you want to paint with me? Danny: Sure! Jenny: Here is some ___ _____. Denny: No, I don’t like red. Jenny: OK. ____ ______ blue? Denny: ____ is good. But do you have yellow? Jenny: Yes. Is yellow your _________ colour? Denny: No, but I can mix blue and yellow to make _____. Jenny: That’s _____! Is green your favourite colour? Danny: Yes, it is. red paint How about Blue favourite green right want to do…意思是“想要去做某事”。 I want to watch TV after dinner.我想饭后看电视。 Do you want to see a film?你想看电影吗? Language points Do you want to paint with me? 你想和我一块画吗? how about 用于询问或征询意见等,相当于 what about ,后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式,译为“……怎么样” 。 I like playing football. How about you? 我喜欢踢足球。你呢? 2. How about blue? 蓝色怎样呢? colour + colour = ? ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lesson 8: Danny’s Favourite Colour Unit 2 Colours and Clothes 初中英语冀教版七年级 I know the colours of the rainbow. They are r_d, or_ _ge, y_ll_ _, gr_ _n, bl_ _, indigo and p_ _ple. e a n e ow e e u e u r Fill in the missing letters. Then colour the rainbow in the same order of the words. Let’s review lesson 7 A: What colour is it? B: It’s ________. A



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