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编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书 题 目: 个人财务管理软件的开发 院 (系): 计算机科学与技术学院 摘 要 我们生活在一个幸福时代,社会经济飞速发展和资讯科技日新月异的时代,信息技术和网络技术在科学技术突飞猛进的大前提下也得到了长足的发展,而且它们的应用迅速波及到了社会各个领域、各个层次。我们的生活离不开现代信息技术,同时,无论是各行各业还是个人也离不开财务管理,把信息技术和财务管理很好地结合起来,把信息网络和先进的计算机软件技术引入财务工作是未来财务管理的主流方向。本文就将以计算机网络这一载体为基础,利用数据库技术和WEB技术对架构一个财务管理的办公自动化系统做一次尝试。 关键词:信息技术 数据库技术 WEB技术 财务管理 Abstract With the popularity of computer and its explosive growth, information management on computers has been an essential part of modern information management. When talking about the methods of the gathering, management, and services of information resources, that database technology is often thought as the most effective one. The application of database is becoming more and more popular. From small single event management system to large complicated information system, people always take database technology as the best method in information resource development, management, and service. This subject is studied in order to solve practical problems, to meet current requirements, and to accumulate experience on developing a system. The system is fully inspected in bookstores around the operating environment, and design of the system under the premise of analysis the demand. It is not targeted against a particular bookstore, so relative to a particular bookstore, it is in some ways with some bloated, but it is certainly consistent with the scientific management. It contained a clear management strategy, brought a scientific management and operational concepts to bookstore, to establish a set of guidelines to help small and medium-sized bookstores, and efficient management model, improve the management and cost-effective, enhance the market competitiveness of bookstore. The major target is research management information system of bookstores, specific information modules as follows: Sales management, inventory management, query system, statistical analysis systems, financial management, B



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