外研英语必修3Module3 Introduction and Cultural Corner课件.ppt

外研英语必修3Module3 Introduction and Cultural Corner课件.ppt

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Violence of nature Introduction and Cultural Corner Guess What falls down out of the sky Pouring down from the up so high Makes things wet that once were dry ? rain flood n. a lot of water in an area which is usually dry Guess Can you name some other natural disasters? drought n. a long period of dry weather when there is little water Guess tornado n. a column of air that turns very quickly Guess hurricane n. a very strong wind or storm which often happens on the coast Guess thunderstorm n. a lot of rain falling quickly , with loud noises and flashes of light Guess a flash of light which happens during a thunderstorm lightning n. Guess volcanic eruption n. an eruption of lava through a large hole at the top of a mountain Guess tsunami n. a series of waves in the water , generally in an ocean or a large lake Guess sandstorm n. a storm in the desert in which sand is blown around by strong winds Guess earthquake n. a sudden shake of earths surface that often causes great damages Guess flood drought tornado hurricane thunderstorm volcanic eruption lightning sandstorm earthquake 洪水 干旱 龙卷风 飓风 雷暴 火山爆发 闪电 沙尘暴 地震 Natural disasters 1. 发生 2. 位于 3. 最活跃的震区 4. 占 .. 面积 5. 总共 6. 丢掉性命 7. 造成最大的伤害 8. 使 .. 无家可归 9. 造成 … 死亡 10. 继续做 occur/ happen/take place be situated in the most active earthquake region cover an area of in all/in total lose ones life do the most damage make… homeless cause deaths continue to do Words and phrases Tangshan (Jul.28, 1976 7.8Ms ) Yushu (Apr.14, 2010, 7.1Ms ) Yaan (Apr.20,2013 7.0Ms ) Hua County (Jan.23,1556 8.0Ms ) Wenchuan (May.12,2008 8.0Ms ) Earthquakes in China What is the cause of earthquakes? Pacific plate American plate Eurasian plate Indian plate African plate Antarctic plate fault What caused earthquakes? Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault San Francisco ● ↖ movement before after Jiu ZhaiGou What are the damages of earthquakes? China the U.S Time Place Damage Earthquakes Aroun


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