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****** 西安市某综合楼空调工程设计 The Air Con diti oning Project Desig n of Multi-fu nctio nal Buildi ng in Xi n 2011届 机械工程 学院 专 业 建筑环境与设备工程 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 ***** ***** ****** 完成日期 2011 年 6月 2 日 摘要 本设计为西安市某综合楼通风空调工程设计, 总建筑面积为11020^ ,其中空调面 积约为7461川。该综合楼地上14层,地下1层,其中一层为商务大厅、餐厅,厨房、职 工活动中心,层高为 5.1 米;六至十一层为办公室 , 层高为3.4米;十三、十四层为客 房标准间,层高为 3.4米;地下一层为车库、制冷机房、电控室、泵房等。 本设计的主要内容有:空调负荷计算、新风量的确定、空气处理过程的设计、气 流组织设计与计算、设备选型、水系统及风系统水力计算、地下车库通风量的确定、 通风系统设计等。 本设计总冷负荷为 790.87kW,热负荷为254.55kW,制冷机房夏季采用 2台 SXZ6-35 DH2系列蒸汽双效型溴化锂吸收式冷水机组作为冷源, 冬季采用城市供热管 网的蒸汽作为热源,采用 1 台 YTBJS-0.6 Q 型号汽水换热器。对于办公室、标准间 等小空间采用风机盘管加新风系统, 每层设单独的新风机组, 风机盘管独立承担室内 的冷热负荷。 而对于一层商务办公厅、 餐厅等空间较大、 人员较多的房间采用吊顶式 空调机组,以节约空间。因为该综合楼房间类型较多,各房间冷热负荷并不相同,可 以各个房间进行单独的调节。 车库通风系统采用中间送两边排风的方式达到通风换气 的目的。 关键词: 空调系统 冷负荷 水系统 风机盘管 独立新风系统 车库通风 Abstract The buildi ng is located in Xi an The project is the multiple -use build ing air-conditioning engineering design .The building is a comprehensive building, The total buildi ng area is 11020 m2 ,but the air-c on diti oning area is 7461 m2 .There are 14 floors of the building. The first floor is for Business hall/restaurant / diet-kitchen / Worker activity center which height of the first floor is about 5.1 meters. Other layers of the building are meters high .The sixth to eleventh layers is for office. And the thirteenth/fourteenth layers are for guest room. The ground floor is for garage /refrigerating station / Electric control room / pump house and so on. The main content of this design includes the load computation, the amount determination of new wind, the air treating processes design, the suppose counts with the computation of air current organization, the equipment shaping, the water power computation of aqueous system and the wind system, the systems control plan and so on. The total cooling load of this design is 790.87KW,and thermal load is 254.55KW..In summer, we use steam double-effect LiBr absorption chiller unit, whose size is SXZ6-35DH2 , as a cold source. In winter, we use vapor pipe network of


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