AS5013.3-2009 国外国际规范.pdf

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i AS 5013.3—2009 ISO 4831:2006 Australian Standard® Food microbiology A S 5 0 Method 3: Microbiology of food and animal 1 3 . 3 feeding stuffs—Horizontal method for the — 2 0 0 detection and enumeration of coliforms— 9 Most probable number technique PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FT-024, Food Products and Constituted Subcommittee FT-024-01, Food Microbiology, to supersede AS 5013.3— 2004, Food microbiology, Method 3: Microbiology—General guidance for the enumeration of coliforms—Most probable number technique. This Standard is identical with and reproduced from ISO 4831:2006, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs—Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms—Most probable number technique. The objective of this Standard is to provide general guidance for the detection and the enumeration of coliforms present in products intended for human consumption or feeding of animals, by means of calculation of the most probable number (MPN) after incubation at 30°C or 37°C in a liquid medium, this temperature forming the subject of agreement between parties concerned. Clauses 4 (Principle), 9 (Procedure) and 10 (Expression of


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