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初中英语易混淆的词语 affect/effect 1)affect —— affected —— affected 及物动词对 , 影响,感动 ( 人的 ) 心,使感动 例句:① The noise from the street affected our study. ( 马路上的噪音影响我们学习。 ) Her story affected us deeply. beat/hit/strike 1)beat —— beat —— beaten (连续地 )打; 击败;( 心)跳动 例句:① My heart is beating fast. ( 我的心跳得很快。 ) They beat us in the match. ( 在这次比赛中,他们把我们击败了。 ) The rain was beating on the windows. ( 雨点敲打着窗子。 ) 2)hit 打 ; 击中 ; 想出 ( 后接 on) 例句:① The football hit him in the eye. ( 足球打在他的眼睛上了。 ) He hit on a good idea. ( 他想出了一个好主意。 ) He hit his head hard on the floor when he fell down. ( 当他倒下时,头重重地碰到地板上。) 3)strike —— struck —— struck 打; 敲; 打动 ( 心); 擦( 火柴 ); 报时 ; 突然想到,用途较广。 例句:① Strike while the iron is hot. ( 趁热打铁。 ) Don't strike the man with a stick. ( 不要用棒子打那个男人。 ) join/join in/take part in/attend 1)join 及物动词加入 ( 团体,组织,参军 ) 、同 ,, 一起干或玩、连接例句:① I joined the Party in 1975. ( 我 1975 年入党。 ) His brother joined the army two years ago. ( 两年前他哥哥参军。 ) They are planning to join the two towns by a railway. ( 他们在计划用一条铁路把两个镇连接起来。) 2)join in参加 ( 某些活动 ) 例句:① May I join in your discussion? ( 我可以参加你们的讨论吗 ?) Many people join in the game every year. ( 每年许多人参加这个游戏活动。 ) He joined in the work without a second thought. ( 他未加思索地参加了那项工作。 ) 3)take part in参加 ( 群众性活动,会议等 ) 参加者持积极态度,起一份作用。 例句:① A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday. ( 昨天许多学生参加大扫除。 ) A lot of college students took part in the movement last year. ( 去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。 ) 4)attend 出席,参加,到场 ; 上学 例句:① Did you attend the meeting last week? ( 上星期你出席会议了吗 ?) He was ill so he didn't attend his classes. ( 他生病了,所以没上学。 ) 注意: attend 的词语搭配 attend a ceremony 参加典礼 attend a funeral 参加葬礼 attend a lecture 听演讲 attend a concert 听音乐会 attend church 上教堂 choose/select/elect/pick out 1)choose —— chose—— chosen 挑选 ; 选拔 ; 选择,指凭自己的判断力在人或物中进行挑选,而不强调精选。 例句:① I'd like to choose a new tie for me. ( 我想给自己挑一条新领带。 ) I want to choose her a nice present. ( 我想要挑选一份精美的礼物送给她。 ) The football players chose him as their team leader. ( 足球队员们选他当队长。 ) 2)select 精选 ; 挑选 ; 选定,强调慎重考虑后的


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