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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 重庆市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧! 一、选择题 1 . When is your birthday??( ) My birthday is on??????????. A.February of 29th B.February 29th C.the February 29th 2 . There are some _____ here. ( ) A.flower B.flowers C.a flower 3 . At that time, there ???????no gyms.( ) A.were B.was C.is 4 . How many??????do you have? ( ) A.maths B.Chinese books C.pen 5 . Oh, dear! My paper plane fell into the river. ( ) Don’t_______.Let me make another plane for you. A.worry B.afraid C.follow 6 . —________ it cloudy yesterday? ?( ) —Yes, it was. A.Were B.Is C.Was 7 . My favourite class is Chinese. ( ) A. B. C. 8 . Look at the pig. It’s so _________ . ( ) A.thin B.blue C.fat 9 . Come here, Helen. The new shoes are for you. ________. ( ) OK, I’m coming, mum. A.Try them on B.Wear them on C.Put on them D.Have it on 10 . Have?????apple. Sorry, I don’t like?????. ( ) A.some, apples B.an, apple C.an, apples 二、阅读选择 阅读理解 In many countries, winter is from December to February. Autumn is 3 months before winter. In the autumn, leaves drop to the ground. Many trees have nuts or fruits. Animals may begin to store food. Some birds collect nuts to store. Other birds fly to a warmer place for the winter. They won't return until the spring. Days become shorter. Cold weather is coming. The fur of many animals gets thick because they need a thick coat to protect themselves. People also wear warmer clothes, because the weather is a little colder. In some places there may be rain or even snow, but in many southern places it is still warm. Autumn is also the time when farmers harvest their crops. People look forward to( 盼望) autumn for many reasons. The most important one is that autumn is the harvest season. 11 . Which several months belong to the autumn season? ( ) A.Jun. Jul. and Aug. B.Sep. Oct and Nov. C.Mar. Apr. and May. D.Dec. Jan. and Feb 12 . Animals begin to


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