【选型】BROADCOM(博通) 存储产品选型指南.pdfVIP

【选型】BROADCOM(博通) 存储产品选型指南.pdf

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SELECTION GUIDE Storage Solutions The amount and variety of data produced by content- rich Internet, cloud and enterprise applications poses unprecedented challenges for data centers of all sizes. Table of Contents New approaches and technologies are needed to manage this deluge of data: to store it, protect it, and maximize the value from it. These challenges 3 HBAs present opportunities to help the world make the most from its data. 4 MegaRAID Entry (iMR) Broadcom Limited is focused on helping customers in wireless 5 MegaRAID communications, wired infrastructure, enterprise storage and industrial and 6 SafeStore other markets solve their challenges. Broadcom has the industry’s broadest portfolio of storage solutions, backed by decades of experience and trusted 7 Cache Protection Options by the world’s leading server and storage suppliers. Broadcom provides 8 CacheCade Pro 2.0 the building blocks for storage solutions that help customers understand, prioritize, store and protect critical data. 9 SAS+SAS Cables Whether you need to protect data, power your storage solutions, or deliver the performance needed by critical applications, Broadcom’s 12Gb/s SAS MegaRAID® controller cards and Host Bus Adapters (HBAs), and Advanced Software Options are the smart choice. 2



