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ICS? FORMTEXT 81.080 FORMTEXT Q 44 FORMTEXT JC Building Materials Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JC/T 495—2013 Replace JC/T 495-1992(96) Dense zircon brick for glass furnace 玻璃熔窑用致密锆英石砖 (English Translation) Issue date: FORMTEXT 20XX - FORMTEXT XX - FORMTEXT XX Implementation date: FORMTEXT 20XX - FORMTEXT XX - FORMTEXT XX Issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China JC/T 495—2013 PAGE I Foreword China Building Materials Federation is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces the JC/T 495-1992 (96) Dense zircon brick for glass furnace in whole. In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the JC/T 495-1992 (96) Dense zircon brick for glass furnace. Modify the original two brands to five brands(Refer to 4.1, 1992 (96) edition 3.1); Modify the corresponding ZrO2, SiO2, Fe2O3, bulk density, apparent porosity, cold compressive strength, refractoriness under load(Refer to 5.1, 1992 (96) edition 4.1); Add the index of TiO2(Refer to 5.1); Modify the permissible deviation in dimension and the appearance quality of zircon brick (Refer to 5.2, 1992 (96) edition 4.2); Rename label, packaging, transportation and storage to label, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate, simplify the content reasonably (Refer to chapter 8, chapter 7 of 1992 (96) edition); This standard was proposed and prepared by China Building Materials Federation. The previous editions of JC/T 495-2013 Dense zircon brick for glass furnace are as follows: JC/T 495-1992 (96). . JC/T 495—2013 PAGE 6 Dense zircon brick for glass furnace Scope This standard specifies the terminology and definit



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