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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 PAGE / NUMPAGES 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 走进心灵的美术教育 在乡土美术教育中传承民族文化的深远意义与教育内涵 (秦国昌 02级国画班) 【摘要】民族文化传承是当前环境下的一个重要课题,乡土美术教育是民族文化传承的重要方式。因为乡土美术作为美术文化的组成部分是民族文化的基因,乡土意识与观念是更深层次的民族文化心理结构,具有地域特色的乡土文化是民族文化的原型,乡土美术不同于其他艺术形式或外来艺术文化的特质在于它是一种更带有本民族特色和民族原创性的艺术,具有根的意味。文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 通过乡土美术教育来传承民族文化具有深远的意义和丰富的教育教学内涵。乡土美术教育是形成和巩固乡土意识这样一种民族文化心理结构的重要途径,由乡土美术教育产生的乡土文化认同能上升为民族文化认同,对国家文化安全和人类非物质文化遗产的抢救具有重要作用。同时,乡土美术教育是“开展具有鲜明的中国特色与民族文化属性的学校艺术教育”的国家文化教育政策的具体体现,并能为学校美术教育的发展发挥作用。文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 【关键词】民族文化传承,乡土美术教育,理论与实践研究 [ Abstract ] the national culture inheritance is under a current environment important topic, the local fine arts education is the national culture inheritance important way. Because the local fine arts took the fine arts culture the constituent is the national culture gene, the local consciousness and the idea are the deeper level national culture psychology structure, has the region characteristic the local culture is the national culture prototype, the local fine arts are different in other artistic forms or the external artistic culture special characteristic lie in it are one kind have this national characteristic and national 原创性 art, has the root meaning.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习 Educates through the local fine arts inherits the national culture to have the profound significance and the rich education teaching connotation. The local fine arts education is forms with the consolidated local consciousness this kind of national culture psychology structure important way, has the local cultural approval by the local fine arts education to be able to rise for the national culture approval, has the vital role to the national culture security and the human non- matter cultural heritage rescue. At the same time, the local fine arts education is "the development has the bright Chinese characteristic and the national culture attribute school art education" the country culture and education policy manifests specifically, and can for the school fine arts ed


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