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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 吉林省2020版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧! 一、选择题 1 . 选出不同类的单词:( ) A.we B.they C.me 2 . —Is it???????? ( ) —No, it??????????. A.wind, isn't B.windy, isn't C.windy, aren't 3 . Lingling is sleeping, ????her sister is singing. ( ) A.and B.or C.but 4 . —When’s ________?( ) —It’s on the second Sunday of May. A.Children’s Day B.Mother’s Day C.Father’s Day 5 . My mother never _______ basketball because she can't play it. ( ) A.plays the B.play C.plays 6 . Tom?????????a dog.??( ) A.don’t have B.doesn’t have C.don’t has 7 . Does Suhai have ______ habits?( ) A.some B.any C.a 8 . Do you like ______ bicycles????( ) Yes, I do. A.ride B.riding C.ride a 9 . 向下( ) A.to B.with C.down 10 . ( ) A.The computer is near the door. B.The computer is under the window. C.The computer is on the desk. 二、阅读选择 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。 This is May. She is a girl. She is my new friend. She is 12 years old. She is from the UK. She is a good student. 11 . I have a new_______. ( ) A.teacher B.friend 12 . May is from _______. ( ) A.China B.the UK 13 . She is _______ years old. ( ) A.eleven B.twelve 14 . May is a good _______. ( ) A.student B.teacher 15 . May is a _______. ( ) A.boy B.girl 三、填空题 16 . 按要那要求写单词。 1.these(单数)______________? 2. it(复数)_______________ 3.this(对应词)_______________?? 4. potatoes(单数)____________ 17 . 填空题。 1. I can hear a ____ and a ____ . 2. —_____ Gu Dong??—It’s a monster. 3. What can you ____ ? 4. The toy rabbit is ____ the bed. (填上合适的介词) 5. Its ears ____ white. (填上合适的系动词) 四、单词拼写 你能根据这些数字写出英语单词吗? 18 . __ne 19 . f__ur 20 . s__x 21 . n__ne 22 . t__n 23 . __ welve 24 . f___fteen 25 . s__xteen 26 . __ighteen 27 . __wenty 五、选内容补全对话 28 . 补全对话。 A.What’s this? B.What are they? C.Good morning, Mr Li. D.It’s fat. E.That monkey is big and fat. A: Good morning, Lily. B: _________________ A: Let’s go to the zoo. B: OK._______________ A: It’s a tiger. B: ______


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