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实用文档系列 文档编号:YL-SY-44074 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 雅思口语话题及范文:特别的蛋糕 Part23 旧题部分——事物类:特别的蛋糕 P2 Describe a cake that is special to you. You should say: What kind of cake it is When you ate it Whom you ate it with And explain why you think the cake is special P3 What kind of special food do Chinese people like to eat on festivals? What’s the difference between the food northerners like to eat and that southerners like to eat in your country? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一个对你而言特别的蛋糕”。作答要点包括:这是一个怎样的蛋糕;什么时候吃的这个蛋糕;和谁一起吃的;为什么觉得这块蛋糕很特别。 范文 I would like to talk about one of my best friends’ birthday party last year, which was an unforgettable occasion to me because of a really special cake. While I do not have a sweet tooth, most of my friends are big fans of confections. I guess some of them can even be called ‘sweet addicts’. Anyway, that’s why they decided to make a red velvet cake as a birthday gift for Kelly, one of my best friends in high school. Since it was for Kelly, I rolled up my sleeves and gave them a hand despite my limited baking skills. It took us three days to complete the baking, and the moment Kelly saw the nicely baked cake decorated with flowers, she was totally in awe, since none of us ‘bakers’ was actually a decent cook. The truth is, it was not easy for a group of green hands to get together and try making this work. We first had a big fight over whether we should make Kelly a Choco Lave cake or a red velvet cake. The fight has been on for a whole day and we finally decided to make her the latter because she once said that red velvet cake looked cute. I can’t remember how many times there were when someone accidentally messed up with the eggs, or forgot to take the cake out of the oven. After times of failing, we finally managed to have baked a lovely red velvet cake that smells really nice. The cream was rich and the color was just about right. To be honest, it somehow reminded me of a rose in spring. We


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