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实用文档系列 文档编号:YL-SY-91063 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 英语求职信范文大全 Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your pany is in need of a secretary。 I would like you to consider me for the position。 My name is Li Min。 I am twenty-three years old。 I am studying business management in Xiamen University。 I will graduate this summer。 I am familiar with puter operation and officesoftwares, which can help me do the office work very well。 And I have learned English for ten years。In the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department。 My grades e out top in my department。 Whats more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be petent for the job。If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative。 Thank you for your consideration。 I look forward to hearing from you。 Yours faithfully Li Min 亲爱的先生或女士: 我从一则广告上得知你们公司需要秘书。我期望您研究一下我。 我叫李敏,23岁,此刻在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机操作及办公软件的使用,这能够帮忙我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在过去的两年里我一向担任本系英语报的一名修改。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我十分喜欢办公室工作并且我也认为我能胜任这个工作。如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会十分感激。 多谢您的研究。我盼望着您的回信。 您忠实的朋友 李敏 求职信英语作文(二): Dear Mr。 and Mrs。 Bull, I saw your advertisement on the Internet and am very interested in working on your farm。 Im a student and need more practice with my English。 I was hoping to e to Great Britain but didnt want to ask my parents for money。 Working for you would be an ideal solution。 Im 18 years old and very fit。 Although Ive never worked on a farm before I have helped on a building site and am used to working hard。 Im very fond of animals and would be happy to help with the cows and sheep if needed。 Could you please let me know how long you would want me for, how many hours a day, and what the minimum wages per hour would be I would like to know if there will be other students there too and where I will be sleeping。 I enclose a photo as requested。 My last employer will be happy to write me a reference, if you so


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