汽车尾气排放-曹春阳 最新07版.pdf

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本科生毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 汽车是能源消耗和污染物排放的主要来源。随着我国汽车保有量的急剧增加, 尾气排放问题日益严重。当前我国汽车尾气排放水平仅相当于发达国家 20 世纪 70 年代中后期水平,汽车产生的大量尾气排放污染物集中在城市道路中排放。同时 由于我国城市道路交通路网及配套设施的相对落后,不但使交通拥堵问题日趋突 出,而且使由于汽车排放而导致的环境污染也日益严重。因此对城市汽车排放污 染综合控制的研究已成为当前一项非常紧迫的工作。 论文介绍我国汽车尾气排放问题的现状,对比分析了国内与国外汽车尾气排 放标准,介绍了汽车尾气排放物 CO、HC 、NOx 、微粒(PM)及炭烟的生成机理, 论述了汽车尾气污染物危害;以汽(柴)油机及城市运行的汽车为研究对象,用理论 分析的方法对汽车排放污染物的影响因素进行研究,主要影响因素内容包括汽油 品质,发动机负荷、发动机转速、外环境对尾气排放物。最后提出汽车尾气治理 的对策,包括机内控制技术、机外控制技术、外环境控制技术。论文的研究对我 国城市交通汽车排污综合控制研究进行了有益探索,希望能对促进我国城市大气 环境污染的改善,确保城市交通的协调发展具有一定的理论和现实意义。 关键词:城市交通;汽车排放;控制技术 I 本科生毕业设计(论文) Abstract Cars are a major source of energy consumption and pollutant emissions. With the dramatic increase in car ownership in China's increasingly serious problem, exhaust emissions. The current level of emissions of automobile tail gas in China is only equivalent to the level of developed countries in the late nineteen seventies, large exhaust pollutant emissions from motor vehicles emissions in the city road. At the same time, because of our country city road traffic network and infrastructure is relatively backward, not only makes the traffic congestion problem has become more prominent, and the environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust has become more and more serious. Therefore, study on the integrated control of vehicle emission pollution in city has become an extremely urgent work. The paper introduces the status quo of China's automobile exhaust emissions problem, comparison and analysis of the domestic and foreign automobile exhaust em


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