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最新整理资料 文档精选合集 2017年度 デミング賞 受賞報告講演要旨 ⅡCEAT Limited Ⅱ 最新整理资料 文档精选合集 Chapter 1 Company Profile RPG Enterprises CEAT is one of India’s leading tyre manufacturers and the flagship company of RPG Enterprises. Founded in 1979 by Rama Prasad Goenka, the RPG Enterprises grew in size and strength with several acquisitions in the first decade of its existence, the first being CEAT Tyres of India, in 1981. In the year 2010 a few companies of RPG Enterprises, namely CESC, Spencers and Saregama India, were separated into a separate entity under the name of RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group. RPG Enterprises, is headquartered in Mumbai and currently comprises of CEAT, KEC International, Zensar Technologies and others. With a turnover of Rs183.5Bn in FY16, a global presence in over 100 countries, a human capital of over 20,000 across geographies and a Profit After Tax (PAT) of over Rs 9.75 Bn, RPG Enterprises is one of the fastest growing business groups in India. A brief snapshot of the Group’s financials are depicted in (Fig1 and 2). CEAT Limited CEAT ranks 4th in the Indian Tyre Industry in terms of revenue, with a consolidated turnover of over Rs. 56.8Bn, a net worth of Rs. 20.6 Bn and a market capitalisation of Rs. 48.3 Bn. An established brand, CEAT  Fig 1: RPG Group FY’16 Turnover – Companywise Breakup Fig 2: RPG Group FY’16 PAT – Companywise Breakup manufactures a wide range of radial and bias tyres for both commercial and passenger vehicle segments. CEAT has four in-house plants in Bhandup, Nashik, Halol and Nagpur, as well as various outsourcing units. It is one of the leading players in India’s domestic retail market. The company has four subsidiaries namely, CEAT Sri Lanka, CEAT Bangladesh, CEAT Speciality and RADO Tyres, which are not in the scope of Fig 3: CEAT’S Timeline – Pre and Post CEAT Takeover by RPG Group the Deming Application. These contribute to less than 5% to the overall CEAT turnover. Key milestones in the CEAT journey are depicted in tim


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