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本科生毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 锦州龙栖湾新区滨海桥位于辽西街、辽东街与滨海路交汇处,它的建成可以 进一步拉动城市南扩,缓解新区现有桥梁交通的拥挤状况,解决其它桥梁过于拥 挤和繁忙的现象,会给锦州的经济发展带来很大变化。 本桥采用预应力混凝土箱型梁桥,桥长 90 米,三跨结构,跨径 30 米,桥宽 16 米,为双向四车道。设计中完成桥梁在恒载、活载等引起的结构内力和变形;并 且分析了预应力箱梁桥在恒载和活载作用下的受力性能,对全桥进行预应力钢束 的设计计算等。 本设计采用的是装配式预应力混凝土箱型梁桥,这种桥可以减少施工时间, 而且可以充分利用机器化,可以提高工作效率,而且质量也可以提高,由于是预 应力,可以有效发挥材料的性能,充分利用资源,而且可以增加桥梁的有效跨径。 而且易于就地取材,所用材料价格低,外形美观,施工方便。 本设计严格遵守相关规范,以新出版的各种规范为基础,在老师的指导和帮 助下,希望能顺利完成设计。 关键词:箱型梁;预应力混凝土;三跨结构;预应力钢束; I 本科生毕业设计(论文) Abstract The Longqiwan zone of Jinzhou located in the cross of Liaoxi street , Liaodong street and Binhai road . It built a new city can be further boost the city southward,This bridge completed will solve the other bridge built over crowded and busy phenomenon, and will bring economic opportunity to Jinzhou. The bridge is simply supported by priestessed concrete Box-beam, which is 90 meters length, three span structure , and the single-hole span 30 meters, the bridge width 16 meters width, and for the bidirectional four traffic lanes. In the design of the bridge, we have completed the following work, such as bridge structure endogen force and distortion which caused by the dead load and the live load function, and have analyzed the performance of the bridge when it is affected by the dead load and the live load stress. Simultaneously,we carry on the design calculation which to the entire bridge the pre-stressed steel ties. Design approach of the constant load, completed in live load caused internal force and deformation of the structure; The prestressed slab bridge and analysis in constant load and under the influence of live load and the mechanical properties of prestressed steel, the approach to design and calculation of


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