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2018-2019广东省惠州市市沥林中学高三英语模拟试题 一、 单项选择 1. His sacrifices for the country were never officially ________, which made all of us feel discouraged. A. acknowledged? B. appealed?? C. recommended? D. evaluated 参考答案: A 2. A recent report found that women graduates are more likely than non-graduates ____ childless throughout their lives.?? ? A. remained ???????? B. to be remained ???????? C. remain ??????????????????? D. to remain 参考答案: D 3. -----How did you find the Great Lakes? -----_____.I had never seen a more beautiful place. A.I found it on TV????? ?B.I went there by train. C. That was nothing????? D.I was greatly impressed 参考答案: D 略 4. You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t______ as you expect. ? A. run out ???B. break out? C. work out???? D. put out 参考答案: C 略 34. This August will be very precious for graduates by which time they _________ ?into a university. ??????? A. will be admitted??????????????? B. will have admitted?? C. have been admitted????????????? D. will have been admitted 参考答案: D 略 6. ______of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret. A. Each?????? ?????? B. Any???? ??? C. No one???? ?????? D. None 参考答案: D 7. The new movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is well _______ and lives up to the _______ which is established by the first 3 series. A. received; expectation??????????? B. received; reputation C. accepted; contribution?????????? D. accepted; civilization 参考答案: B 8. Conflict and disagreement are a(n)    part of a close relationship, so learn to apologize to your partners and receive forgiveness from others. A. B.unavoidable C.necessary D.obvious 参考答案: B 句意:在亲密的关系中冲突和意见相左都是不可避免的一部分,因此要学着向同伴道歉并得到别人的谅解。 意为"绝对的";unavoidable意为"不可避免的";necessary意为"必要的";obvious意为"明显的"。根据题干中的"so learn to apologize to your partners and receive forgiveness from others"可知,此处指在亲密的关系中冲突和意见相左都是不可避免的,故选B。 9. 一I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm hurt. ??? —????????? ,why not go to see her? ??? A.If so?????????????? B.If it??????????????? C.If not??????


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