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课时分层作业(六)  阅读理解 A When most high school students complain about having to wake up extra early,they're usually referring to a swim practice before class or the last-minute study before a test.But that was never the case for Corey Patrick,who woke up at 4:30 every morning last year in order to arrive on time at Tarrant High School in Alabama. Patrick had attended Tarrant City Schools since his fourth grade,but things got difficult when his family moved to a town 14 miles away.Even though his family didn't have any forms of transportation,Patrick didn't want to miss out on his senior year with friends,so he woke up at 4:30 every morning in order to make it to a 5:41 a.m.bus that would help him get to Tarrant on time.And just as he had done every other school day of the year,Patrick got up one morning to start the journey from his home to his high school; the only obvious difference that morning was that he was wearing his graduation gown (毕业礼服),which made that day's bus driver,DeJuanna Beasley,take some photos of him.She then shared them online with these words,“You tell me this isn't determination.He got on my bus to go to his graduation,and no one was with him.Sometimes it's all in what you want out of life.I was so proud of this young man.” That was soon shared by many people online,and it caught the attention of radio host Rickey Smiley,who surprised Patrick by giving him a car later.Smiley confirmed that he would make sure that Patrick received help with getting his driver's license.A GoFundMe was also created for Patrick,which has raised over $20,000.And Patrick has got a scholarship (奖学金) to Jacksonville University,where he plans to study computer science. 【语篇解读】 语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是人物故事。美国一名高中生一年来每天凌晨四点半起床,到离家远的学校上学,这种坚持是他的日常生活,也感动了其他人,并最终为他带来了好运。 1.Why was Patrick different from most students when it comes to rising early? A.It had something to do with study. B.It was a part of daily life for him. C.He was unwilling to get up early. D.He spent more time in studying.


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